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domingo, 30 de junio de 2024

[Fanfic] Tower of God - Captive God: Chapter 2 (JinsungViole)

Hace unos días terminé este cap, y por tanto este fic c: Y ahora lo quiero subir aquí, para tener más respaldos y porque, no sé, puede que alguien lo lea. Nunca se sabe XD Este fic nació porque siempre imagino cosas de mobs con Baam/Viole, y pos como no encontraba nada en AO3 de este estilo (o que me convenciera en este estilo), tuve que hacerlo yo misma :D Y como no sé hacer doujinshis, pos tuve que hacerlo en formato fic XD Ahora ya me voy a seguir preparándome para la KhunBaam week 2024. Ya publiqué en AO3 el primer día, y espero estar al día con los otros, aunque en la semana nunca logro escribir nada por culpa del trabajo ToT Ya veremos u.u


Captive God
By RPMizu

Chapter 2: Cage

When Baam regains consciousness, he is still in the ranker’s room. The other men have left, and the ranker is the only one beside him. There is absolute satisfaction on the ranker’s face. Baam would have spit on that face if he still had the energy to do so. Instead, Baam just gathers the tiny bit of strength left in his body to stand up and walk to the door, as the ranker helps him by covering Baam’s body with the gown he was wearing when he got here.

A smug smirk and a pat on his ass. “Thanks for one more day of good work, slayer candidate. Hope to see you again soon. I’ll call you.”

As Baam prays to never see that repulsive grin again and brushes away the nausea that touch caused, the metal door shuts behind him, making that heart-sinking prison cell sound once again.

“It’s over…”

Baam whispers to himself, and repeats those words again and again as he slowly walks back to his own room, like a survival mantra. It helps keeping him sane, after all. It is done, it is over, and he hopes it will not happen again in the following days. He hopes it will never happen again, period, but he knows that is expecting too much.

The way back to his room is much shorter than he remembered it to be. Maybe he always dragged his way to the ranker’s room too much, expecting to never get there. Right now, even if he is barely moving, he is going way faster than he did while getting there. He is desperate to just take a bath, wash away the all sorts of filth covering his body, and go to sleep. And hopefully never wake up again.

“Where were you at this hour, Viole?”

However, his heart almost stops just as he enters his own room. He never expected to see his Master sitting on his bed, a cigarette lit between two fingers, and several more laying on the floor, already extinguished. When did he get here? The number of cigarettes tells him he was waiting for quite some time. The severe look on his face makes Baam gulp and step back, only to find himself trapped against the door that already shut behind him.

No, he does not want anyone to see him right now. Not in the state he is. Not his Master, not anyone. His soiled, pitiful, embarrassing self.

“W-Why are you here, Master?” Baam’s voice comes out cracked and strained. His throat hurts due to the mistreatment it was victim of. Still, he tries to sound normal, while covering a bit more of his wounded body with the robe.

His Master continues to look at him, eyes half-closed. Then he stands up, hands in his pockets, the carefree gesture contrasting heavily with the dark expression on his face. “Answer my question.” he says in a strict voice, but Baam does not answer immediately. He just takes another step back, or he would have done that if he was able to. Instead, he can only press his back more unto the closed door behind him.


“Come here.” His Master orders, and Baam is tempted to obey at once. Truth is, after what happened tonight, Baam is desperate to be comforted, to hug someone he can trust and indulge himself in their warmth. But if he does that, his Master will notice what happened and how hurt he really is. Baam does not want that, he does not want anyone to know. It is too pitiful, too embarrassing… too sad. “Now.”

But he cannot disobey, he does not have any escape routes from this. So Baam goes to his Master, slowly, trying not to stumble in his steps. The pain on his hips makes the task difficult though. It feels as if little daggers are puncturing inside his ass, on his thighs, and on his lower back. His limbs are almost exhausted, demanding to get more rest. But Baam has to resist the urge of just throw himself on his bed and fall unconscious once more. He has to put on a show yet again.

However, and as always, things do not go as he hopes they will. When Baam sits by his side on the bed, his Master is still looking fixedly at him, so even with Baam’s efforts to cover himself up, the marks on his neck and on his legs are still fairly visible. “What are those?”

Baam makes another futile attempt to cover himself, but his Master is faster and takes him by the collar of his robe, leaving his neck and most of his chest exposed. As he is looked at with such attention, Baam adverts his face in shame.

“I thought something was wrong when I entered your room and didn’t find you here…” His Master’s voice is trembling, and from experience, Baam can say it is in fury. Is he angry with him, or with the ones that made the marks on his body? Baam is afraid to know the answer, but it still comes to him the next second. “Who!? Who dared doing this to you!?”

So it is the latter, huh? That makes Baam sigh in relief. But it is not over yet. He still has to answer questions that will not allow him to just rest and forget about what happened. He should just answer whatever his Master wants to know, so this ends sooner. Then he could go to sleep. Sleep and forget. So Baam mutters the name of the FUG ranker. “Although this time it was not only him, but I don’t know the names of the other ones…”

Baam soon realizes that adding that information was a mistake. He is still far too honest for his own good. “It… It is not the first time, then.” Ups, that means more awkward questions are on the way. Baam swallows slowly. “...Since when?”

There is a threatening aura mixing with the shinsu around his Master. Baam does not dare lying to him, especially when he is in this state of pure, blind rage. Not as if Baam was able to lie correctly in any circumstances though, but still. “Almost a year ago, I think? Maybe more.” Baam says, trying to sound as if it is nothing important.

However, the quivering in his voice betrays him. Of course it was not nothing. It was horrible, traumatizing even. Baam did not even know what sex was, and that man has been using him for more than a year, forcing Baam to satisfy his desires whenever that man felt like it. The man was really fond of fucking Baam, as he has said many times, so he summoned him to his room quite frequently. As a result, Baam learned many things about sex. Many things he wanted not to know, and many things he would have wanted to learn with someone else. He learned about his own desires too, and how disgusting they must be for Mr. Khun. No, he should not think about that now. He will burst into tears if he dwells in those thoughts.

“Why…” His Master’s quiet but threatening voice interrupts his depressing thoughts in time. Baam can see shadows clouding his Master’s furious eyes. “Why did you let this happen!?”

“Ah, I-I had no choice! He said he would kill my friends if I didn’t do what he wanted!” Just like you did, Baam wanted to add, but restrained himself in time. It was no use making his Master even more upset. “You think I wanted to be used like that!?”

His Master stays silent for a second, seemingly trying to calm himself down. “...You said there were others today, not just the ranker. Who are they?”

“I said I don’t know their name-”

“How do they look like? You have to remember!” His Master grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him with little to no care, making his sore body hurt all over. Baam lets out a pained whimper.

“I… I don’t want to remember.” After all, he arrived at his own room hoping to just collapse on his bed and leave everything in the past, at least until reality comes back knocking at his door. He did not expect to be interrogated.

“Why didn’t you say anything to me!?”

That makes Baam snap. He grabs his Master’s hands, brushing them away from his shoulders. Tears come bursting out of Baam’s golden eyes, which are now uncovered by his long bangs. “You are also one of the people who brought me here in the first place! You threatened my friends and confined me here. How… How could I trust you!?”

His Master looks shocked for a moment, as Baam tries to steady his sobbing to no avail. But then the look on his face changes into a concerned one. To one full of guilt, actually. To Baam’s surprise, his Master grabs him once more, but this time to pull him into a close embrace. Instinctively, Baam tries to resist. “No! Get away from me! Don’t touch me anymore!”

But his Master is stubborn, and Baam is too tired to continue throwing punches in the air. Soon, Baam relaxes into his Master’s chest, and allows himself to indulge in the warmth his Master is providing. It feels… nice, to be cared for by another person. As Mr. Khun used to do for him, embrace him, caress his hair, whisper compliments into his ear, every time Baam had trouble sleeping because nightmares of being inside the cave still tormented him. Now he has had to learn to overcome those nightmares by himself, and he has, for the most part. But now… now he really needs the comfort.

So Baam allows himself to cry inconsolably in his Master’s arms. He cries until his eyes are dry. And throughout that time, his Master caresses his back and whispers into his ear It’s alright, I’m here with you, you are not alone anymore.

And because he is now feeling protected, for the first time ever since he parted with Mr. Khun, the words just flow out of Baam’s chest without restraint. “I’m defiled now, I’m not pure anymore...”

“Pure?” His Master sounds like he does not understand what Baam is talking about. And Baam is glad his face is pressed against his Master’s chest, so he cannot see his shame.

“There was someone in my team, Mr. Khun, that looked at me like I was the purest being in the world…” His sentence comes out interrupted by sobs at times, as he tries to calm down and explain himself. He has not talked about this with anyone, but doing it could help him get things out of his chest. Maybe the pressure on his heart would relieve, even if by a tiny bit. “He was my first friend in the Tower. I’m dying to see him again. But now, I don’t know how will I face him…”

“Why?” His Master lays his head on top of Baam’s, as he continues to stroke from the back of his head, then along all of his now loose long hair. At least his Master did not say there was no way of meeting Mr. Khun again. He is the only one in FUG that gives him some hope.

“Because now I’m not innocent anymore, not as he wanted me to be. Not only that man touched me, but his henchmen did now too. They used me... however they wanted...” Again, his voice comes out disrupted by his own sobs, and he presses his face against the chest in front of him with more force. He just wants to disappear, out of sorrow, out of shame. But earth will not simply swallow him. So he continues to vent. “But if it was only that, if it was only physical pain, humiliation, torture, I could have put up with it. You already put me to hellish training everyday, after all.”

Maybe he is bitter, and wants to hurt his Master a little bit. And it seems to have worked, because he can hear his Master gulp, even though Baam cannot see his expression from this position. Against the other’s chest, Baam smiles bitterly at the reaction. If he feels guilty, why not help him get back with his friends? Baam knows it is impossible, that it not only depends on his Master, but still. How ironic. Everyone in FUG says he is their God. But what kind of God is he? Baam is trapped here, he is just a slave to them. If he really was a God, he could save his friends from FUG’s threat, and these men would have to worship him to get the miracle they want from him. Instead, he is just a captive doll, forced to do whatever FUG wants. But even that, as he said, would be tolerable. Because he would still remain himself if it was just agony and abuse. Instead...

“But the ranker not only did that. He tainted me to my core, both my body and mind… I-I started seeing Mr. Khun in… another way.”

He cannot help stuttering when he says that. He hopes his Master understands what he is trying to say without the need to be more explicit. Baam is not only ashamed of these feelings, after all, but he is fearful of them too. Because he knows how horrific it is to be the object of desire of someone you do not like. And, even though he would never do what the ranker did to him, Baam is terrified Mr. Khun would find him gross.

“I’m the worst. I even used Mr. Khun’s image to withstand what the ranker did to me, to feel good, to satisfy my own impure desires of being held by Mr. Khun.” Those words come out jumbled, almost incoherent if you did not pay close attention. Thankfully, his Master did not ask him to repeat it. “Even though what that ranker did to me was disgusting and horrible… I want to do those things with Mr. Khun. How I can ever look at him in the eye again!? I-I’m not worth…!”

His self deprecating monologue is suddenly cut off by a sensation well known by Baam, but also slightly unfamiliar. In a split second, his face was pulled up, and then there are lips over his own. These are unknown to him, yet do not make him want to pull back and vomit. This is his Master’s mouth, pressing against his own and effectively silencing him. It also makes him relax a little, for some reason. He cannot think of anything, too confused to produce a coherent thought process. His Master is kissing him, even though he knows how soiled Baam is. Why?

When the contact is broken, his Master is gazing directly into Baam’s widely open eyes, with a determined look on his own. Baam, on his part, is stunned, still not understanding what just happened. “I will kill that bastard, and I’ll get the men that hurt you today too. Don’t worry about them. Mirchea will obviously agree if I tell him what happened.” A big hand pets Baam’s head again, still gently but applying more pressure than before. “You are FUG’s most cherished slayer candidate, but most importantly, you are my student.” The look on Jinsung’s eyes then loses its light, chilling Baam’s body. “No one but me can make you suffer.”

And that statement makes Baam shiver, with both fear and a little excitement. Baam curses his recently found masochism for the strange and contradictory reaction.

But his Master is not done. Now his eyes grow tender, like Baam has never seen them before. An equally soft smile appears on his Master’s lips. “And you are worth the world, Viole, don’t you ever doubt that.” And as suddenly that tenderness appeared, it goes away, replaced once again by utterly deep anger. “That man abused you, took advantage of his own power as a ranker and of your situation. If your teammates weren’t in danger, would you have allowed him to do that to you without a fight?”

Baam knows the answer all too well. He thought about it every time that man called him to his room. “I would rather die fighting him.” He replies with upmost confidence, not fearing death in the slightest, and it painted a proud smirk on his Master’s face.

“Then how could that Khun kid ever reject you, if you allowed everything because of him, to keep him safe? If he does, I’ll make sure he pays for his idiocy.”

That makes Baam chuckle a bit, the first smile he is able to come up with since the beginning of this terrible night. Maybe ever since this whole abusive situation started. But if his Master’s promise is fulfilled, this night of torment should be the last. He would not see the ranker ever again. The relief makes Baam suddenly both dizzy and sleepy, and he has to rest his head on his Master’s chest for a second, to get hold of his bearings.

His Master does not seem to mind. “You look cute when you smile, you know? You should do it more often.” With one arm supporting Baam’s exhausted body, his Master scratches the back of his own head with his other hand, seemingly conflicted. “Well, I know I was one of the people here that instructed you to remain as stoic as possible at all times, but…” Baam can hear his Master laugh under his breath. “At least when you are alone with me, I want you to smile more.”

Baam simply nods against his Master’s chest, not really knowing if he would be able to honor that request. Ever since Rachel broke his heart, it has become naturally difficult to smile, not just because he was instructed not to do so. But his Master is the only person that has worried about him ever since he was brought here by FUG. For him, Baam would at least try.

Although now that he has calmed down a little, he can concentrate in the kiss his Master just gave him. It was strange, because every kiss he has received on his lips until now was so nauseating, Baam never thought a kiss other than Mr. Khun’s could feel even a tiny bit good. So it was shocking to find out that his Master’s kiss… did not feel bad. It did not feel bad at all. It even felt kind of… nice. Why? Is it because Baam cares for his Master, unlike with those men?

Baam must find out.


“Hmm? What? Does it hurt?” His Master looses his grip of Baam’s body. But it is not that he is hurting too much. Well, he probably is, but the adrenaline this strange discovery provokes in him does not let him focus on the agony that is still assaulting every limb.

Instead, Baam takes this opportunity to separate a bit from his Master and look at him directly. “Why did you kiss me, Master?”

The question leaves a troubled expression on his Master’s face. “That was bad, right? You were being abused and I just kissed you by surprise. It’s just I wanted you to stop insulting yourself, and you looked so cute and vulnerable too…”

So his Master likes him? Just like those men liked Baam. Although his Master cares for him too, right? It seems like it. When that ranker saw him depressed and hating himself, he would only make things worse by insulting and humiliating him. Instead, his Master kissed him so Baam would calm down.

So his Master likes him… Does Baam like him back? He is not sure. He is sure he likes Mr. Khun, maybe a little too much, but with his Master, the situation is more complicated. He cares for his Master, but there is a part of him that is angry at him. Because his Master is one of the people keeping him here, away from his friends. Baam should hate him for that, but he is also grateful that his Master cares for him enough to want to kill the ones that made him suffer. And now he has kissed him. Everything is just too confusing with his Master.

But there is only one way of knowing if Baam likes him too, right? “Master.” He successfully catches his Master’s attention with his quiet voice. “Could you kiss me again?”

“Haa!? Wha-? Why!?” His Master looks as confused as himself, maybe even more so. His usually so stoic Master. Baam has never seen him so shocked. It is so funny, Baam cannot help letting out a muffled chuckle. “Hey, don’t make fun of your elders!”

No, his Master thinks he is joking. Baam makes an effort to stop laughing, and looks at his Master directly into his annoyed eyes. “I’m serious, Master. Kiss me again, please. I want to…” He hesitates a bit. What does he really want? Baam is not that sure, but he settles with the first thought that comes to mind. “make sure about something.”

It is not a lie, after all, even if it is probably not everything behind his request. His Master does not seem to comprehend, and Baam does not blame him, since he does not understand it himself either. “Are you sure? Like, really sure. I thought you wouldn’t want anyone touching you after what you’ve been through, let alone kissing you.”

Now that he thinks about it, what his Master says sounds completely logical, but for some reason, that is not what Baam wants. “I’m sure. If you don’t mind, of course. Don’t do it if you don’t want to.”

But the answer to that is clear, by the way his Master’s gaze is fixated on Baam’s lips. A slightly mischievous smile appears there, but his Master does not seem to notice. “No, if you don’t mind, I don’t mind either.”

Yeah, sure. His Master looks like he is dying to kiss him since Baam asked for it. Prove of it is that not one more second passes before his Master takes Baam’s lips to his own once again. And this time it is not the soft and superficial touch he used the first time. It is much more intense and open mouthed, as lips and tongues clash to each other. One big hand is placed on his waist, keeping him in place, and the other grabs his head from the back, forcing the kiss deeper and preventing him from backing away from it. Not that is necessary. Baam is not even thinking about interrupting the kiss. On the contrary, the only thing he can think about is how good he is feeling right now. Baam does not even mind that his neck is sore, or that his long hair is being pulled a little by accident, as his Master keeps his head in place.

When they break apart, both seem to be in a daze. They look at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say. Baam is first to break the silence. “I knew it. It feels good…” Baam traces his own lips with two fingers, and sees how his Master follows his movements with his eyes, as if he is hypnotized by them. “Why does it feel so good, Master? With that man, it was nothing like this.” He gets closer to his Master, brushing his lips against the other’s. “Did kisses always feel this good?”

His Master gulps slowly, adverting his eyes a little, although his voice still sounds calm as ever. “They are supposed to feel good, yeah. Maybe that bastard was just especially bad at it.”

“I don’t know. Well, maybe, but… I think I feel good because it’s you, Master.”

The other gulps again, and his grip on Baam’s waist gets tighter. And even though Baam can feel a familiar hardness against his thigh, it does not bother him as it did with the ranker. What is more, it makes him smile mischievously once again. Why does it make him happy to provoke these reactions in his Master, when with the ranker he prayed the man would never lay even his eyes on him? The answer comes out of him the next instant.

“Because I like you.”

Maybe he does not like him the way he likes Mr. Khun. Yeah, it is not the same. Maybe with his Master is only gratitude and physical attraction, but now, what does it matter? Mr. Khun is not here, and probably does not even return his feelings.

So Baam asks again. “Kiss me more, Master, please.”

And his Master does not need to be asked further. “God, you are dangerous. Do you know how dangerous you are?” Dangerous? Baam does not really know what he is referring to, and he tries to show it on his face. “Don’t look at me with such innocence after you just said what you said. It makes me feel like a pedophile.”

Another word Baam does not know, and it makes him even more confused. Still, his thoughts are dissipated when his Master takes his mouth again, pushing him against the bed and towering over him with his own body. The kisses are aggressive, devouring his mouth again and again, and Baam cannot help moaning against his Master’s lips, which seems to fire up his Master even more. And it feels amazing, to be dominated like this by someone he actually likes.

Then maybe sex too, would feel good… If he managed to have even the slightest bit of pleasure by doing it with that disgusting man, then… How good would it feel to do it with his Master? And his Master seems to have the same idea, because his lips get away from Baam’s mouth and move to his neck, nibbling a little on top of the bruises those men left on his skin.

“Those bastards… How dare they mark your body?”

The anger on his Master’s voice makes his heart flutter. However, those words also make Baam think of something else. That is right. He marked by unwanted men. His whole body is covered with the bodily fluids of others. He cannot let his Master touch him while he is still so dirty.

“M-Master!” Baam puts his hands on the chest pressing down on him, pushing a little but not so much, so his Master will not think Baam is afraid or upset. “S-stop for a second, please.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Viole. I didn’t think…”

“No, that’s not it.” It seems his Master indeed thought he is having bad feelings by being touched, even though he tried to not give that impression. “It’s just I’m too dirty, and I don’t want to you to get dirty too.”

His Master frowns at his words, and takes Baam by the chin, lifting it a little and forcing him to look at him in the eye. “Don’t ever say you are dirty, okay?”

A shiver runs down Baam’s spine. Why does these things make him so aroused? Baam shakes his head, trying not to think about how attractive his Master looks right now. “I-I meant it literally. I need to take a bath.”

“Oh. Sorry. Yeah, you should take a bath and get some sleep. And here I am, not letting you rest. Well, you are at fault too. You asked for it.” Baam does not understand why his Master’s face shows deep regret just a second after saying that. “I meant it literally.”

Baam tilts his head, not understanding his Master at all. “Of course. I did ask for it.”

“Good.” His Master seems a little embarrassed now, even if he does not show it that clearly.

Well, leaving aside how puzzling his Master is at times, Baam gets out of bed and takes a few steps towards the bathroom, but halts halfway through. Would it be bad if he does something he always wanted to do with Mr. Khun, but with his Master? He just thought sex with his Master could feel good, so why not try this first? If this does not go right, Baam could dismiss the idea of sex.

So he turns to look at his Master, who is having trouble with his own pants. That makes Baam chuckle, although he hopes his Master did not hear him. “Can you help me get cleaned up, Master?”

With a reassuring smile, Baam extends a hand towards his Master, and the other approaches him with hesitation, but takes the offered hand nonetheless. “Are you sure? I guess you could need help, but don’t you want to be alone for a while?”

“No, I don’t want to be alone.”

And maybe that is exactly why he is doing all of this. He feels attraction for his Master, of course, that is why he is not feeling disgusted. But most importantly, he does not want to be alone. He is desperate for human contact, to be comforted by someone else. He needs his Master right now.

So they enter the bathroom, and Baam hears his Master whistle when he takes the robe off his body. Baam knows his Master is trying to make light of the situation, so Baam can relax at least a little, but Baam is still nervous. He does not want to feel disgusted by his Master’s touch. But they already kissed for long minutes, and all he felt was pleasure and comfort. Why him touching his body would feel any different?

Baam has to know. So he invites his Master to scrub his whole body with a sponge filled with soap. The touch is gentle and cautious, and it goes from his shoulders, to his back, to his abdomen, to his legs. Baam lets out a sigh of relief. It feels comforting, it does not feel bad at all. And his Master seems to catch on that, probably also testing Baam’s reactions to his touch. As he notices there is not a problem, the touch gets less gentle, rubbing away all the repulsive fluids off his skin. Yes, wash it all away, please. A lone tear falls across one of Baam’s cheeks, unnoticed as his Master pours the water of the shower on him, letting everything go through the drainpipe.

“Thank you…” Baam whispers, as he clings to his Master, not caring that he is drenched and his Master’s clothes, on the other part, are completely dry. By doing this, Baam can hear how the heartbeat in his Master’s chest grows faster. Still, his Master gladly welcomes him, by enveloping Baam’s body with one arm. “There is another part of me that needs cleaning, and it is a bit difficult to reach. I usually do it by myself, but now… would it bother you to do it for me, Master?”

The heartbeat once again grows louder, as Baam takes his Master’s hand and places it on his butt, trying to be fairly obvious on what his request is. And his Master seems to understand right away. Of course, he is not an innocent young boy as Baam was when the ranker taught him how to clean himself up. As those calloused fingers enter his ass, Baam feels a bit of pain, probably because of the rough treatment it was subject to, and also the anticipation of them going inside, which makes him grow tighter. But he also feels… relief? Why? It is not only the fact that he will finally have that repulsive semen out of his body, but also… It feels kind of calming, to have a part of his Master inside him. Would sex feel the same then?

As Baam is lost on those thoughts, and his Master starts pouring out the semen of that man from inside of him, the grip around his body grows painfully tighter, and the fingers inside him move without the gentleness they had at the beginning, causing more pain. “It hurts, Master…”

But his Master is not listening to him. “That bastard did it without a condom!?” Baam does not understand what his Master is referring to, as he has not even heard the word condom before. So he looks at his Master directly, showing off his confusion on his facial expression. “You don’t know what a condom is? It’s like a little… bag” His Master seems not sure of how to describe the thing, and that makes him a bit flustered. “made of latex, that you put on your penis for safe sex. Did he not ever use one before?”

“I don’t think I have seen him put anything on his penis before…” Then Baam catches on the safe sex part. A bit worried, Baam asks his Master. “Is… Is there unsafe sex?”

“Oh, of course there is. In general, the mistreatment you suffered from that scumbag is unsafe sex on its own, but there are other risks involved in sex. Most of them are covered if you use a condom. For example, he could have infected you with a disease.”

“A disease!?” Now Baam is getting a bit panicky. What if he got something contagious? He does not really care much if he dies, but what if he transmits it to his Master or to Miss Hwaryun? What if he continues to have it when he finally meets his team and passes it on to them? “Y-you should not touch me then!”

Seeing Baam is starting to panic and trying to get away from him, his Master’s fingers leave his insides, as he embraces Baam with that arm. With the other hand, he gently pets Baam’s head. “Shhh, calm down. This kind of diseases are mostly only transmitted through sex, so me touching you will not cause me any harm. Probably.” That makes Baam sigh in relief. At least he has not passed anything onto the people that matter to him. The ranker and his henchmen can go to Hell for all he cares. “Also, you probably have nothing. Your body seems to destroy anything that tries to harm it, from viruses to curses, so I think you should be fine. We will still be going to the doctor though, for a check up. And if you have something, that man will pay even a higher price before his death.”

Again, Baam gets shivers when he hears his Master talking like that. Menacing, yet it excites him somehow. Maybe because his Master is acting like this because of him. Still, Baam is a little disappointed too. If he has something, then he should not have sex with his Master, since he could infect him. Yeah, he was hoping to have sex with his Master in the shower, to make sure sex with him would also feel good, as the kisses and the touches did. But now…

While Baam is lost in thought again, his Master continues to clean inside of him. After a moment, those fingers leave his ass once again, as he must have finished pouring the semen out. And it feels… empty. So very empty. It is not only a physical sensation of emptiness, either. It makes Baam sad, his heart feels hollow. He wants to be connected with his Master again. But he should not have sex with him...

“Mmm? I understand that you are worried, but why do you look so sad?” His Master lifts his chin up, and the gesture yet again makes Baam’s heart beat faster. And it also makes him want to be brutally sincere about what is going on in his mind. He whispers something, but his Master does not catch it up. “What did you say?”

“I-I want to have sex with you, Master.” His sincere reply makes his Master take a step back, and look at him completely shocked. Yeah, kissing was one thing, but this is on another level, Baam supposes. Or maybe he is worried about the illnesses Baam could have. “B-but I know we have to make sure I don’t have anything first!”

Jeez, he is talking like his Master has already agreed on having sex with him. Well, his Master did get a huge hard-on while kissing him on the bed, so Baam assumed he would comply, but maybe he was wrong. The thought makes him worry even more than the disease part did, and he does not know why. Does he really want to have sex with his Master that much? The answer to that is the emptiness he is feeling right now. Yes, he needs to be connected with his Master, he needs the comfort of being united with someone he cares about, after the horrible hours he spent with those men. He needs to be cleaned up, not only with soap and water. He needs to be touched by someone he likes, so the memories go away.

And Baam has selected his Master for this, the only person that cares for him in FUG, and also seems to feel attracted to him. He really is devilish, now that he thinks about it. Baam is only using him, and his Master probably knows it too. But his Master is older, he is an adult, and does not seem to care much about being used. He seems to care for comforting Baam though, although he is kind of awkward in the way he shows it. And maybe he can use Baam too, to vent out his sexual drive. Baam would not mind either. It would be a win-win situation.

His Master seems to think that way too, because he has not said no to him yet, nor has he broken apart from him entirely. Instead, he scratches the back of his head, a little troubled. “You really are dangerous, you know? Are you really sure you are fine with someone like me? You just…”

“I’m sure!” God, he sounded desperate. Well, he is. Baam is indeed feeling a little desperate right now. He does not know why, but he needs it. He needs someone’s warmth, to be embraced by someone he likes. And there is no one here but his Master. “I’m sorry… I-I…”

I know I’m using you, he wants to say, but the words do not come out. So Baam just looks at the bathroom tiles beneath his feet, as the water still runs through them. Jeez, he is getting so emotional, it is kind of embarrassing.

And his Master seems to notice, as he takes Baam into an embrace once more. “Okay, it is not like I don’t want to do it. Don’t get the wrong idea. I just wanted to make sure, since you are extremely vulnerable right now. Because of that, I should say no, and just take you to bed, cover you up in blankets and make sure you get a long rest…”

That does not sound bad, actually, to be cared for by his Master. But Baam needs something else. He will not be able to rest until the traces of those men are completely wiped out of his body. He knows it.

But even though his Master said what he said, he seems to have other plans. “However…” Baam does not have any time to even think. Before he knows what is happening, his Master has handled Baam’s body so he is facing the other way. Instinctively, Baam places his hands on the wall, as his Master places his own on Baam’s hips. “...I’m not a nice person.”

Is he going to do what Baam thinks he will? “M-Master! It’s not safe, remember?” He knows he was the one asking for it, but the possibility of making his Master sick still worries him to no end.

Thankfully, he can hear his Master laugh quietly behind him. “Don’t worry. I’m an adult, Viole. I always carry lube and condoms on me.”

That is what it means to be an adult? As Baam seriously questions what his Master just said, he hears something plastic being teared open. Filled with curiosity, Baam wants to look back and see what his Master is doing, but he simply presses Baam’s face against the wall for a moment, telling him without words that he does not want to be watched. Baam can imagine what he is doing though, and it confuses him as to why his Master does not want to be seen putting that thing on. Still, he obeys the unspoken order given to him. After a moment, the pressure subsides, and Baam now hears the sound of a bottle begin opened behind him. That he does recognize. It is lube, is it not? This one smells different from the one the ranker frequently used, though. Good, he can associate a different smell to his Master then.

A silly smile comes to Baam’s lips, as he notices he is already hoping this time will not be the last. What is he thinking, really? It does not matter. The whole situation has been awkward and not romantic at all, but it does not matter. He just wants the urge to subside. The urge of being united with someone he likes. He wants the emptiness to go away. He wants to cover the traces of those men. He wants it all gone. Now.

So he does not resist when fingers that are not his own enter his body once more, now covered with the nice smelling liquid. Baam also notices something hard pressing against his hip, that is also covered in that fluid. His Master must have prepared himself too already. And the fingers inside of him move with ease, as his butt was already used to the irruption, not only because of the treatment those men put it through, but also because his Master cleaned him up just now. So he will be able to feel his Master inside him soon. Baam’s legs quiver with the anticipation.

And as the fingers inside him begin scissoring slowly, making more room for his Master to enter, Baam cannot help letting out some quiet moans. It also starts to cause a bit of frustration in him. “M-Master, enough already. I-I’m fine.”

“No, you are not. You even bled when you were with those men. Don’t you dare hide it from me, I saw the blood mixed with the dried semen.” Baam trembles when he hears that. He knew he had bled, but he did not think it would be enough to be noticed by someone else. “And don’t say that. Don’t make me lose the little control I still have over myself.”

Baam wants to look back at his Master, as he is confused about what he just said, but the hands pulling his hips backwards do not let him. In fact, he has to stabilize himself by lowering his back and pressing not only his hands against the wall, but also his face. In this position, he cannot see anything. He can only understand what is happening when he feels the grip on his hips grow stronger, and the tip of his Master’s hardness pokes his entrance.


As expected, Baam’s whole body feels weak, but he still manages to stay standing up when that penis enters him. Maybe it is the anticipation that he is prey of, the thing that is giving him strength. And why not say it, the arousal he is experimenting too. It is the first time he is feeling like this genuinely, and not because of some fantasy he had set up in his head. And the real deal is something else entirely, for sure. Probably this is also keeping him from the pain he should feel, after his insides were torn by those men. The thought makes Baam shiver, but the hands firmly grabbing his hips, and the warm breath that now falls over his right ear, make the anxiety subside bit by bit.


And that deep voice also sends shivers down his spine, although this time they are pleasurable in nature. Baam closes his eyes, as his Master moves slowly at first, seemingly trying to establish a rhythm that is comfortable for both of them. That is a first too, that someone, even without words, would try to measure the reactions of Baam’s body and adjust their actions to what makes him feel good or at least comfortable. That makes Baam’s heart feel warm, and brings a smile to his lips, which goes unnoticed by his Master, as he cannot see his face.

Soft moans escape through slightly parted lips, as the rhythm becomes steady. The anxiety of being alone has subsided now that Baam feels his insides being filled by the warmth of his Master’s body. However, part of him is satisfied with this, yes, but another part of him needs more of this warmth. And he wants to see his Master’s face too. Maybe he should ask to change positions, but those thoughts get muffled once the penis inside him touches a spot that makes him lose his head.

“M-Master! Ahh!”

His Master seems to understand what he failed to express in words, because he starts pounding into that specific spot with accuracy, making him go crazy with pleasure at a growing speed. His knees feel like they will give up at any second, but Baam gathers strength out of nowhere just for this not to end. His Master is breathing more heavily behind him too, his grip on Baam’s hips painfully firm. It is too much. He has never came this fast. Still, Baam shuts his eyes and lets out a long whimper as his whole body gets assaulted by the most intense orgasm he has ever experienced.

When he opens his eyes, he can see his own semen staining the wall in front of him, although it gets washed away immediately by the still running shower. That is when his knees finally give in, and he falls to the floor with little grace. To his disappointment, that also makes his Master leave his place inside of him. As Baam looks up at his Master, he can see dissatisfaction in his face too, as well as deep concern. No, he does not want to let down his Master in any way.

“I-I’m sorry, I came by myself…” Baam tries to get up, but it is difficult. His legs have almost no strength left, but his wish to satisfy his Master allows him to get up after a moment of struggling. Thankfully, his Master also helps him by grabbing him by one arm and pulling him up. “It will not repeat, I swear… You can still use me however you want...”

The grip on his arm grows tighter for an instant, before it goes to his legs, which his Master pulls up and encloses them around his own body, without any warning. Instinctively, as to not fall, Baam also wraps his arms around his Master’s shoulders. Before even thinking about anything else, Baam notices he is now getting what he wanted from the start of this whole situation. This way he can see his Master’s face, and their entire bodies are touching, giving warmth to each other even with the shower still running over them. They are both soaked to the bone, but none of them cares much about it. The only thing that Baam cares about now is the feeling of his Master’s body pressing onto his own, the warmth it gives to him, and the intense stare he is prey of. He does not even care that the hot breath that is falling over his nose smells of tobacco. It is still comforting.


Baam wants to indulge in that comfort, and so he hugs his Master more closely, laying his head on his Master’s right shoulder and closing his eyes, taking in the smell of cigarettes that he predicts it will become more and more soothing to him as time goes by, as he becomes closer to his Master. Again him hoping this kind of things would repeat themselves in the future. For now, he wants to think like that, and not fear a future of loneliness. Right now, his Master is with him, and that is all that matters.

“What did I say to you before?” Baam hears his Master’s whisper in his right ear. He can not see his Master’s face from this position, but he can hear a smirk behind his voice. “How can you say use me however you want so casually? You really have no sense of danger.”

His Master is right, now that he thinks about it. He would never say that to those men, of course. Baam just said it because it is his Master, and he trusts him. And also because he was being sincere. In that moment (and now too), he only wanted to satisfy his Master and make up for coming without consent on his part. Does he need his Master permission to climax? Baam does not know why he thought about it like that, but it feels fitting, to have his Master’s approval before coming. Stupid masochism.

“But since you are offering yourself like this, and as I said, I’m not a good person…” Baam can feel something big and hard poking at his ass once again, and the touch makes him both tense up and bite his lips in anticipation. “I will take your word for it.”

Biting his lips did nothing at all. A loud whimper escaped Baam’s mouth nonetheless, accompanied by a low and deep moan that reached his ears. He has not heard his Master make that kind of sound before, and it makes him both aroused and proud to hear him sound like this because of him. Not that he has any more time to think about it, though, as his Master does not waste any second trying to adjust his movement. Baam’s body is already molded to welcome him inside, after all. His Master just pounds into Baam at a frenetic rhythm, his nails digging deep into the tender flesh of his thighs. And Baam’s head is starting to feel light. He is losing his mind once again.

“God, you are amazing… You are squeezing me so tightly…” His Master’s low-pitch makes Baam tremble, as he tries to keep his own moans the quietest he can. Not that he is succeeding though, and his Master’s is not helping at all. “No wonder that bastard was so addicted to you.”

Baam does not have the required life experience to think badly about what his Master just said, but his Master does, so he immediately clarifies himself, even if Baam does not understand anything. “Not that you are at… fault, of course.” His voice sounds full of air, as he struggles to concentrate in speaking while still thrusting into Baam non stop. And Baam is struggling too; even if he knew what his Master is talking about, his head is too blank to even process it. “It’s just I always thought you were so sexy, and in the… last year you had become even sexier…”

The thrusts then suddenly become more aggressive, and Baam would have complained about the pain if he was not so absorbed in the pleasure he is also feeling. “That fucker did not have any right to touch you…”

Breathing hard against his Master’s ear, Baam tries to speak. “M-Master… I-I don’t…” But nothing coherent comes out. He does not even know what he was trying to say.

Adding to the exhaustion, the soreness all over, and the burning but pleasurable sensation running inside, Baam’s neck is assaulted by his Master’s mouth, which sucks and nibbles at the skin there. And Baam feels numb, drowning in the feeling of being wanted this much by his Master. This also is a first. With that man, it disgusted Baam to be marked by him. Now all he wants is his Master branding him, covering up the traces of those men, and claiming him for himself. So Baam welcomes that tiny but stinging pain gladly, and closes his eyes, sinking into the sensations overpowering his body.

“I won’t let anyone else touch you anymore, you hear me? You are safe now. You are mine…”

But Baam is not listening, or more accurately, he is not processing what he is hearing. He is just lost in the feelings. “You… you are filling me up, Master… I-It is so deep…”

As the rhythm goes up even more, Baam can hear his new name being chant in his hear, again and again. “Viole… Viole…” It is too much, it is really too much. After a few more thrusts, Baam’s body cannot take it anymore. Violent spasms overcome his entire being, and he climaxes even harder than before, between their two bodies. The tension on his ass makes his Master come too, although the sensation he waited for does not arrive. There is not warm liquid filling him inside. His Master has not lost strength though, as he is still holding Baam up, even though Baam did lose all his energy and cannot hold onto his Master’s shoulders anymore.

He wants to speak, but his racing heart and ragged breath do not let him. Baam can see his Master is not in much better condition, when he finally manages to open his eyes. His vision is still blurry, though he can notice his Master is smiling at him.

Without a word, his Master takes him into his arms once more, this time in bridal style. It is obvious that, in the process, his Master would come out of him, but it still takes Baam by surprise. He feels so empty now. Again. It would feel even worse if his Master was not holding him in his arms. So Baam hides his face against his Master’s chest, so the other cannot see his embarrassment. What is happening with him? When did he become so vulnerable? It is probably because he knows the torture has finally ended, that he is allowing himself to relax and actually get depressed because of everything that happened until now. But Baam does not want to worry his Master, so he tries to distract himself with the heartbeat that is so near to him. It is calming down, much like his own. And it is really comforting to hear. It makes Baam smile a little.

“Here we go.”

His Master has brought them back to the room, and he places Baam on the bed. Then, with a big towel in hand, he proceeds to dry Baam’s body with care, a look of complete concentration on his face. Baam stays still, delighted to be looked after like this by his Master. The longest part of his Master’s cares is drying up his long, long hair. Still, his Master has all the patience in the world, making sure Baam’s hair is as dry as it can be. “We can’t let you get sick.”

The care he takes of his own body, however, is lackluster at best. He simply takes off the wets clothes, puts on one of Baam’s robes (which is a bit too tiny for him), and rubs his head with the towel for a moment, clearly not drying his hair thoroughly as he should. “Master, you shouldn’t get sick either.”

“I won’t, don’t worry.”

Baam frowns as he puffs his cheeks a little. His Master does not take his own health seriously, but instead he looks after Baam with so much care. That makes him smile again.

“See? You can still smile. You look so cute.”

And that makes him blush a little. Unfair. His Master is being so charming with him. Now Baam will not be able to let his Master go, and then sleep by himself. For that very reason, Baam grabs his Master bathrobe, and looks at him pleadingly. He hopes the look on his face would be enough for his Master to understand. Still, if he needs to ask directly, if he needs to beg for his Master not to leave him behind, he would do it.

“Don’t worry.” His Master pets his head, and he takes one of Baam’s hands into his own. With caution, his Master pushes Baam against the bed beneath him, and then proceeds to lay beside Baam. “I won’t go anywhere.” That makes Baam sigh in relief, before smiling in gratitude. “I’m here…”

His Master’s whispers soothes him. Baam snuggles against his Master’s chest, losing himself in the steady heartbeat and the calming breath beside him. He can hear his Master whispering to him and continue petting his head until he falls asleep. Finally, Baam can rest. The feeling of emptiness was subdued by the warmth his Master is providing. The traces of those men are gone. His Master will take care of the ranker and his henchmen. Everything that has happened this year can be left in the past. And those memories… Baam hopes his Master can continue to erase them too. Until there is nothing left.

The next day, his Master is still with him in the bed. He kept his promise to not leave him alone. The first thing they do is go to the doctor. They both can rest assured now, as the medical tests say neither of them have any sickness they should be concerned about. That means they can do it without that thing -the condom, as his Master called it-, right? Baam wants to be filled by his Master’s semen once at least, so he can replace that specific memory of the ranker too. It is a really egoistical reason, Baam knows it, but he cannot help it. He needs everything replaced.

And even though it is not like Baam wishes dead for anyone, he is still incredibly relieved when his Master confirms that the ranker has been executed, by his request and the approval of their leader, a person called Grace Mirchea Luslec. Grace… Does his new name have to do anything with his person? Probably, but even his Master does not seem to know why.

At last, Baam can feel safe. The one that abused him so horribly is now gone. And the past has to be buried with him.

Nonetheless, even if Baam tries to bury the memories, their consequences are still very vivid. Baam and his Master continue with the strange relationship they established that night. Apart from their usual Master-student relationship, now they share bed from time to time, as Baam did with the ranker for a whole year. However, this time it is with Baam’s full consent. Furthermore, now Baam is the one calling someone, his Master, when he is feeling restless. Although, now he would not fantasize with Mr. Khun, as he did when he was with the ranker. It is not necessary, since he likes his Master even though he does not feel the same as for Mr. Khun. And exactly because he likes his Master is that he would not fantasize with someone else. It would be a cruel thing to do to his Master, who is just helping him.

And his Master is not only helping him with the physical needs Baam has to attend to. When his Master visits him at night, they do not only have sex, but his Master also stays with him until the next day. That is what Baam craves the most, even more than the relief of his sexual drive, which is quite intense too. Because there are times when he does not want to spend the night alone, not any cost.

After all, Baam is still the vulnerable boy that was locked up in the cave, the one who feared being alone the most. Even though his Master is with him now, Baam is still captive, he is still a slave to FUG. A captive God.

And who know when will it end. Maybe it never will. Still, Baam will continue to wait. Until he is able to break out on his own. Or until his cage is opened from the outside. Will it be by Mr. Khun’s hand? Or will it be his Master’s?

Only time will tell.

Inside the cage, the dormant God will wait.

Baam could wait.