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martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023

[Fanfic] Tower of God - Heritage of Desire: Chapter 1 (WangnanViole)

Hace rato que tengo esto escrito, y no lo subía aquí XD Tengo más cosas también que subir, así que espero ir haciéndolo de a poquito. Tengo muy abandonado este blog :c Pero bue, como quería retomar este fic (no sé si lo lograré u.u) pos me puse a arreglar este cap y aprovecho de subirlo aquí c: Es el comienzo de una historia WangnanBaam/Viole, que nació por culpa de una idea que tuve al escribir el cap de Wangnan en mi otro fic, "Better than cigarettes". Ya se entenderá más adelante porqué(???) O tal vez no XD Este primer cap es solo un prólogo, por eso es tan cortito, y sigue casi totalmente lo que pasa en el manhwa cuando estos se conocen. Ya después le iré añadiendo harta cosa, pero igualmente es canon continuity nod. 


Heritage of Desire
by RPMizu
Chapter 1: Prologue

At first, Wangnan was utterly afraid. He had to look out for himself, and only for himself. After all, if he lost again at the 20th floor, he would have to sell all of his organs, and would die miserably, without accomplishing anything, without anyone knowing. All alone. So when Wangnan saw that man upon opening the door to the test area, he immediately knew he had to avoid confrontation if he wanted to pass, or simply continue living. It was a small, somewhat fragile figure, cloaked in black, with long, rather messy chestnut hair covering part of his face. It wouldn’t intimidate anybody if it weren’t for the corpses already laying at his feet, and the powerful aura surrounding him. The shinsu of a monster.

Wangnan could only breathe properly when the mysterious boy decided to ignore him and sit down a feet away from him, apparently refusing to fight for now. Wangnan doesn’t know why a monster like this one silently agreed to leave him unharmed, but he won’t dare questioning it.

He had to look out for himself, but his heart betrayed him once more. He couldn’t bring himself to hurt any of the people who crossed that door after him, either because he wasn’t strong enough and it would be foolish to fight them, or because he didn’t have the cold heart to do so. Who would let a little girl come this far? It was unfair for her opponents.

But then the mysterious boy stood up and spoke for the first time. A soft voice which didn’t belong with someone so frightening. It was cold and strained, like he was tired of everyone and everything. “There is no reason to vote, because you will all fail the test because of me.”

That voice moved something inside Wangnan’s heart. Why did he stay quiet all the time and decided to fight when it was disadvantageous for him? One move and everyone understood why: because he was confident in his abilities, he thought he could handle all of them at once, and he was right. FUG, Glasses had said. If that was true, then he was indeed a monster. They only came out alive because of luck. Time ran out just after the FUG boy cured himself with some weird red tentacles. He walked through the room as if nothing happened and took the elevator.

“Take him first. Who would want to ride with that guy?”

Although Wangnan said that out loud, he soon discovered himself watching the silent monster boy a little too much. He was so intriguing. Who is he? Why is he here? Why didn’t he kill them regardless of time running out? And to make things worse for his curiosity, the little girl, Miseng, approached the FUG boy with snacks, which he surprisingly accepted without a sound. This is so, so weird. So much Wangnan is unable to avert his eyes from the boy. Especially when everybody proved how powerful they are, and then this boy, who is even a little smaller than Wangnan himself, went to the shinsu machine and with only a touch of his hand he scored six times the number that was the highest score at the time. Brutal. Who in the world was this guy?

Viole, said the machine. Viole…

And then his future was to be decided precisely by this scary man. Viole had to choose the people who would pass this part of the test, who would be his comrades in the next section. So Wangnan did what he had to do. He threw away his pride and humiliated himself in front of Viole. He didn’t expect everyone trying to do the same, or to use other tactics to sway him in their favor. But what he least expected was Viole not even laughing at him for doing what he did. He just looked at them and said, in his quiet and soft voice, that he didn’t need comrades, because they weren’t qualified to be beside him.

Of course, the Flamethrower girl interpreted it as he was saying they were incredibly weak compared to him, and Wangnan couldn’t really blame him if that was the case, but that wasn’t it.

“I’m Jue Viole Grace, a nominee for FUG slayer. I live to kill… Jahad and his family.” Wangnan thought he saw a glimpse of his eyes, only for a second. They were big, golden, sad eyes. “…You can’t be my teammate. I’m your enemy.”

Thankfully, the administrator made Viole agree to play a game with him, which gave them a chance to pass the test as well. But Viole, he said he lives to kill Jahad and his family… Then Wangnan, to him too… He clutches hard at the red ring hidden in his clothes.

An enemy of Jahad…

But Viole didn’t do anything besides almost giving him a heart attack when he found that very same ring after they took their baths. Again, he could see those golden eyes for just a second, and now they were filled with coldness. But the questioning got cut off when the annoying kid (Prince was his name?) came in trying to challenge Viole. The slayer candidate simply returned the ring to him and said: “Be careful not to lose it. It looks precious.”

Why? Why did he let him go? Didn’t he just say earlier that he lives to kill Jahad and everyone related to him? So, so confusing. This only makes him think about Viole more and more. So he tries to distract himself by playing cards with the others, the ones he thinks he can trust. Wangnan knows this is the Tower, and he shouldn’t trust anybody, but they seem nice. Even the silver-haired guy who lied about being a father in order to gain Viole’s favor, seems actually nice. And now, watching that man playing with Miseng, Wangnan is not so sure he lied after all. Everyone has their own stories. So when Glasses talked about getting out of the Tower and living together, in peace, everyone questioned their own paths. Wangnan is still determined to go up the Tower, but it’s true he would like to just live together with some friends. Maybe these people will become his new friends.

And Viole? What was his story? How did he get into FUG? Is FUG’s objective really his motivation to go up the Tower, or there was something more? Would he… would he want the same as them, to live in peace with friends? Seems unlikely, but Wangnan can’t stop himself from imagining Viole with them as well. No, he is a monster. Stop thinking foolish things, Wangnan.

And then, in the middle of the night, the administrator’s game started. They had to compete with Viole, and although they obviously had the advantage in numbers, Wangnan was sure they didn’t stand a chance in direct confrontation, so they settled with gaining allies, connecting their rooms, and take over Flamethrower’s room. But, to his surprise, Viole didn’t choose confrontation either. He went directly to the administrator and apparently didn’t even harm anyone on his path there. Maybe he didn’t because that would be wasting time, but confronting them would have been so much easier than fighting a ranker. Then why?

But things got out of hand quickly. The annoying kid got betrayed by his followers and Nia… Nia was killed by that scammer bastard, while Wangnan could only listen to his agonizing screams over the pocket. Yes, Nia betrayed him, but he did it just to fight for what he wanted to protect. His lovely Nia didn’t deserve… a fate like that.

The first thought that came to Wangnan’s mind was that mysterious boy. Viole. Right now, he doesn’t care if they all fail the test, but that Lurker bastard can’t get away with this. And he needs Viole, he is the only one who can help right now. “When people are desperate, they are capable of making a deal with the devil”, the administrator had said. And indeed he is desperate. Wangnan snapped and shouted things he hadn’t said in front of anyone before. How he just wanted to eat delicious sweet and sour pork with his friends, and how he wants to change the Tower. When he threw the connector to Viole’s hand, he thought he saw a glimpse of his eyes again. This time, he was surprised. And again, a lingering sadness could be grasped there too.

And with Viole’s help, he did defeat Lurker. He punched the fucker again and again, but in the end Wangnan couldn’t bring himself to kill him. Even Lurker had his reasons, just like Nia. If he didn’t forgive him, it would make the things he told Nia before he passed away a lie. If he was able to forgive Lurker, the world would forgive Nia. That’s what it seemed like to Wangnan, at least.

“I will change! I’ll become the king of this Tower!! I’ll change everything in this Tower… that made you like this!! I’ll ensure that no one else ends up like you or Nia ever again! That’s the dream that drives me to go up the Tower!” He can sense Viole flinching at his back, but that doesn’t stop him, although that reaction lingers in his mind. “Even if people laugh and say it’s impossible, even if I fail thousands of times and get betrayed, I’ll never give up!”

After that outburst, all energy got drained out from him, and the only thing he managed to say was: “Thank you, Viole.”

He had forgotten about the test all together, but at the last minute, as Viole wasn’t paying attention (probably still too shocked by his outburst), he swapped the connectors and tricked him into passing the test with them. Now they are officially a team, but it was because he deceived Viole, the most frightening regular in the Tower. So of course he was terrified when Viole came up to the roof when he was alone at night. But all Viole wanted to know was: “Why… did you forgive him?” His voice sounds curious, but also... sad again. He is not condemning him for being stupid and forgiving a bastard like Lurker. “What do you want to change about the Tower so desperately?”

He just wants to know, so Wangnan gives him a sincere answer. “W-well… Nothing that great…” Viole’s questions are making him incredibly nervous, although he tries not to show it. “I-It’s just so frustrating. This Tower… creates walls between people. I just… I want to make a place where everybody can smile under the same roof. I want a wider sky.”

Still a little nervous, Wangnan looks up at Viole. For a second, the wind blows away his bangs and, for the first time, he can see Viole’s eyes clearly. A faint but incredibly adorable smile adorns his lips and his big, golden eyes accompany that expression perfectly. Their color is like warm honey, and Wangnan feels himself drown in that honey. “I see…” It’s all he says, with that soft voice that now feels covered in honey too, before leaving the roof.

After being left alone, Wangnan senses his face burning up and he covers his head with his arms. “Oh my god… What was that?” He never thought he would think this about someone like Viole, but he was so… so cute.

At that time Wangnan didn’t notice how whipped he was getting for Viole.


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