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martes, 28 de julio de 2020

[Review] Digimon Adventure (2020) - Capítulo 07

Cumplí con GetBackers (y fue bien weno el cap c:) y ahora vuelvo a Digimon para intentar ponerme al día de una vez. Igual me va a faltar al menos un cap por ver aún, pero estaré más cerca XD De ahí ya debería asegurarme de estar al día cada vez que salga un cap, sobretodo ahora que YGO Sevens está en hiatus (otra vez .-.). Ahora toca que nuestros mijos se encuentren con Jyou, y estarán un paso más cerca de ser un equipo completo c: Como siempre: leer mientras o después de ver el episodio =D

(No presionen tanto a sus hijos, o terminarán rompiéndose la cabeza XD)

1. Intro, Opening y retraso (la música del retraso es demasiado hermosa y emocionante~)
2. Mimi se está volviendo media ojou? XD Palmon está mejorando sus habilidades de mayordomo XD Disfruten su tecito mientras puedan, que ya llegaron al mar o.o
3. Están tratando de llegar por cielo, pero Birdramon se va a cansar antes de llegar pu :c Y Mimi se quedó atrás para no hacerle más peso me imagino o.o
4. Que es otro continente pu, obvio que va a estar lejos D: Qué es ese símbolo que parece un emblema pero oscuro? o.o Sería MUY pro que existieran emblemas oscuros *u*
5. Y se cayeron al mar u.u Y van a tener que regresar nadando? D: ajdga Gomamon usó a sus pescaditos de colores para ayudarlos *u* Pobre Piyomon u.u
6. Takeuchi Junko suena muy cute haciendo esa voz~ c: Como que a estas alturas todos deben saber que los humanos son Niños Elegidos XD Bue, es que él también tiene compañero, pero... qué? qué pasó con Jyou? D:
7. Hikari, qué haces ahí? Anda a ayudar D:! XD Y tú también Koushirou XD Ahh es que Jyou no quiere saber nada de esto porque está estudiando para su examen de admisión a la secundaria :c
8. Quizás de cuándo está este hombre aquí o.o Quiere puro volver, y lo decepciona no ver adultos u.u Pronto va a tener que aprender que hay cosas más importantes que estudiar u.u
9. Maldita sociedad competitiva de Japón, desde niños los andan estresando :c No es para romperte la cara contra la madera, hombre XD
10. Ay no rechaces a Gomamon, no seas mala gente :c Los otros digimon también sienten el dolor, porque ellos saben que es bien feo que te pase eso u.u
11. En verdad que suena como un mal trato XD Pero cuando vea lo mal que pueden resultar las cosas va a querer ayudar, yo lo sé. Él es responsabilidad, después de todo c:
12. Ni siquiera pueden ir al otro lado del mar como les dijeron porque está ese mono marino marginal :c Jyou les vendría muy bien pu, pero no quiere ir porque está "haciendo lo que debe hacer" :/
13. Taichi bien líder planeando que atraigan al digimon ese a tierra para poder derrotarlo :D aww y Gomamon los va a ayudar~ Ay lo comprende tanto, sabe que va a tomar la decisión correcta *u*
14. LOL y Jyou deja de estudiar para espiarlos, para saber si todo anda bien XD Asume que no vas a poder estudiar justamente porque vas a estar preocupado si no ayudas XD
15. No le vayan a hacer daño a mi pequeño Gomamon :c Jyou, anda a ayudar a compañerito ToT Se cayó de cara en la arena u.u Al menos ahí fue corriendo al tiro a verlo c:
16. Reacciona rápido, hombre, que les van a sacar la xuxa D: Bue, sí lograron llevarlo a la arena y podrán pelear contra él, pero igual es grande el mono D:
17. Es hora de-de-de-de evolucionar :D XD Ay Jyou, Gomamon siempre estuvo esperándote TuT Todos los digimon compañeros son así pu, por eso es tan sad que los rechacen u.u
18. Los tentáculos se apoderaron de Togemon D:! asjdgaj ya dejen de emocionarme, por la xuxa ToT Escucha su vocecita herida u.u Jyou no estaba feliz, seguro, porque no quería estar aquí u.u
19. Aww le hizo una camita y le trajo unas frutitas antes de que despertara~ Seguro Jyou le gritó en la cara porque no entendía nada XDD
20. Aww Gomamon sentía que se preocupaba por él igual aunque estuviese metido en sus estudios~ Y quiere a Jyou, solo a Jyou, como su compañero TuT

(Aww Jyou lo cuidaba igual~ *u*)

21. Sí pu, no tienes que hacer esto solo. Tienes a muchos compañeros a tu lado, y es lo que tienes que hacer *u* ajhdgajs la música, por la xuxa *o*
22. Y cuando reconoce que es su compañero, el emblema brilla y Gomamon puede evolucionar en brillitos plateados c: Con él van a poder cruzar el mar :D Qué conveniente XD
23. No le está ganando porque no estás en su lomo, Jyou(?) Mentira, le está ganando de lo más bien debajo del mar XD Igual complejo que lo apoye debajo del agua, teniendo que respirar XD
24. Rescató a Togemon :D Es una planta, así que no murió ahogada al tiro(?) XD Oye, que estaba huyendo el pobre XD Bue, que los iba a detener de nuevo si lo dejaban irse u.u
25. Así que ahora todos van montados en Ikkakumon :D Jyou tiene que cumplir con su deber de niño elegido pronto para poder estudiar para sus exámenes XD
26. Y todos le pierden el respeto que se quiere ganar cuando se cae de su propio digimon al agua XDDD Puxa, Jyou, aunque seas mayor, todos sabemos que el líder es Taichi XD
27. Ending

(Ese fue el momento en que Jyou supo que la cagó XD)

Ahora ya tenemos otro niño elegido más, aunque Koushirou sigue en el limbo entre el Mundo Humano y el Mundo Digital D: En el siguiente cap ya se unirán a Yamato, si es que no le da el taldo de Kouji de Frontier de nuevo, y serán 6 niños elegidos juntos :D Faltarán Takeru y Hikari, pero imagino que, como en el anime anterior, Hikari aparecerá aparte, pero parece que también tienen esa intención con Takeru ahora o.o O sea, que aparezca para lo de Devimon, me imagino, que en el opening salen todos evolucionados y peleando, menos Takeru y Hikari o.o Sabemos que Hikari no está dentro, pero ¿y Takeru? Habrá que esperar u.u

Btw, Jyou es el ejemplo perfecto del niño estresado por sus exámenes y su futuro como doctor, por culpa de padres demasiado comprometidos con la tradición y con la competitividad japonesa :/ Al menos ya entendió que evitar muertes es más importante que estudiar XD

[Review] GetBackers - Capítulo 35

Entremedio de los caps de Digimon, tiene que ir un cap de GetBackers también, como ya todos sabemos(?) c: Entre los caps que copié a mi pendrive para poder verlos y comentarios, está el del hospital, y me dan unas ganas terribles de ver y comentar ese y saltarme los que vienen antes por ahora, pero no lo haré o.o No debo XD Además igual este cap decía el adelanto que estaría centrado en Ginji c: Como siempre: leer mientras o después de ver el episodio =D

(La cara de "qué andai decidiendo weas sin mi consentimiento? o.ó" XD)

1. Opening
2. De quién es esa voz tan cute? Ay mi Ginji llorando en una tumba :c LOL como duermen en el auto, estos mijos indigentes XDD Ay fue a sufrir solito en la lluvia u.u
3. Parece que este cap será más serio o.o Hasta Hevn está super seria cuando llegan a tomar el trabajo :c Oye, pero qué pasó? :c Ohh van a tener que hacer algo por una niña en enferma u.u
4. Ay más encima me ponen abuelitos tristes, así no se puede :'c Pero wn, cómo se roban la sangre para transfusión? Hay que ser muy mala gente u.ú Todos son -ya, loco, ahora no son ladrones, son ubai-ya XD
5. Y no pueden darle sangre normal porque necesita una muy rarita, llamada Bombay Blood, así como Emishi también necesita sangre especial o.o (por lo que decía en el manga).
6. Se ve super armada para haber estado recién en un accidente y no haber sido operada aún o.o XD Pos tienen un límite de tiempo para poder salvarla :c Obvio que Ginji se lo tomará personal u.u
7. Ay abuelito, plis, no haga eso, que me mata ToT Quería darle un perrito ToT Huahuahua la cara de Ban cuando Ginji acepta el trabajo... sin su consentimiento XD Y Hevn lo mira caxando qué le pasa XD
8. Aww no puede decirle que no cuando Ginji lo mira así pu~ XD No van a ser nuestros transportistas favoritos o.o Podría ser Akabane perfectamente :c A Ban no le gusta que ande tan afectado u.u
9. agdjagjsd sabía que uno sería Akabane *u* Y me tinca por la reacción que participa apropo de esto para que vengan a verlo 1313 XD El otro es el Señor NeedforSpeed, no? XD
10. Qué hizo? Se echó los árboles? XD Pero igual investigar la sangre debe ser importante... aunque parece que es para cosas truchas XD ahjsgdha Ban va a enfrentarlo~ Pero justo los interrumpen u.u
11. asgjda Akabane sensual arriba del camión *u* Me impresiona que pueda mantenerse parado con la conducción de NeedforSpeed XD asjhgdja su voz me hace gritar como fangirl, por la xuxa~
12. Ay y más encima Hevn los llama para decirles que la niña está en peligro ToT Ginji se va a tirar al camión al yolo, aunque Akabane esté ahí, y Ban va a tener que confiar en él u.u
13. ahsdgaj esos ojos con deseo~ Oye, y Akabane podrá hacer armas coolz si pusiera la sangre en él mismo? En el manga decía que podía hacer armas con todo lo que tocara su sangre :D
14. Uy, esa entrepierna 1313 XD Y más encima cuando lo paro para sacar la foto, dice "Yes, just like that" con Ginji arrodillado en frente 1313 XDDD Esa voz llena de deseo también, wn *u*

(No podía pararlo en un momento más 1313 XD)

15. Vas a tener que esperarte a pelear con él en Mugenjo entonces pu o.o LOL lo distrajo con la chaqueta XD Pudo electrificar el camión, pero Ban se quedó atrás porque explotaron el puente D:
16. Y más encima Akabane se echó a Ginji D: Ban, ve por tu nene ToT Es más importante que sacarle la xuxa a Akabane o recuperar la sangre incluso :c
17. A qué se refiere con qué hizo algo que no debía? o.o LOL las enfermeras mirando a Hevn alterada en el teléfono XD Ban a ir por la sangre primero, que él confía en que Ginji está bien u.u
18. Más sueños de su pasado sad en la Fortaleza :c Toda la gente muerta D: Y una niña está haciéndoles tumbitas~ Yep, la vida es lo único que no pueden recuperar, por más pro que sean u.u
19. Y por qué los del Belt line los atacan? o.o Ginji deseo ser más fuerte para que la gente tuviese que morir o vivir en desesperanza u.u Así que se va a levantar para seguir luchando~
20. Hevn, no mates al médico XD Lo único que puede hacer es operarla, y sin la sangre no puede u.u Qué va a ir a hacer Hevn? D: Ay y la niñita cute de Mugenjo quería salir y comprar un perrito como la niña media muerta ToT
21. Ay como no podía recuperar la vida de los otros, se plantea proteger las vidas antes de que las roben~ TuT Ay como está escondido con un palo para defender a los niños, qué cute XD
22. Hevn, qué estás haciendo? D: Ay quiere hacer lo que ella puede hacer, y es darle ánimos con un perrito demasiado cute TuT Wn ya me puse mega sentimental ToT Por qué fack soy tan llorona? XD

(Y yo aquí llorando como marginala~ TuT)

23. Igual parece que funciona, se le está tranquilizando un poco la respiración~ Ay Ginji quería ir a buscar algo con que curar a la niña, pero se podría morir si va pu u.u
24. ajhgdjasj no alcanzó a tomarle la manito antes de que muriera ToT Vamos, Ginji, pelea por esta niña ahora TuT Espero que esa vez no haya explotado como Raitei y haya dañado a esa gente D:
25. ajsdgajs Hevn lo logró, la niña se tranquilizó TuT Ahí están haciendo sus tratos truchos o.o aghjdjas Akabane, por la wea, deja de ser tan sensual~ El regalo fueron los GetBackers? Fue sangre? o.o
26. Y Ginji llegó al rescate :D Te das cuenta de que Akabane puede irse en contra de ustedes ahora que ya le pagaron? XD De hecho, eso hace XD Te conozco tanto, hombre(?) XD
27. Ahh es que se picó porque le interrumpieron su diversión con la explosión esa XD Y además le da un premio a Ginji por ser tan buen niño y seguir peleando~ Está esperando a que llegue Ban además 1313
28. Como se jotea a los dos XD Ginji está muy heridito, pero igual defiende el maletín~ No podrá parar balas con su electricidad? o.o Ay los traumas de perder tantas vidas que no se pueden recuperar ToT
29. Uhh Akabane se excita cuando ve que las gotas se quedan suspendidas en el aire~ Qué dije yo? Que tenía que poder detener las balas con su electricidad XD Pero no van a poder ver más porque se tienen que ir u.u
30. Ban, siempre salvándolo de sus taldos destructivos *u* jasgdjsa las manos *o* Akabane, para de joteártelos XD Ahora no pudo disfrutar a Ban, eso sí u.u
31. Y pudieron operar a la niña al final *u* Aww Ginji está durmiendo con el perrito afuera *o* Al menos cuando está alguien al borde de la muerte, aún se puede recuperar la vida c:
32. Ending

(Eres un héroe, nene mío~ *u*)

ajgdajs no sé qué me pasa desde ayer, ando más llorona de lo normal D: XD Se me salieron las lagrimitas again cuando Hevn le trajo el perrito a la niña, y además entre los recuerdos sad de nene Ginji u.u Para ser más o menos random, este cap estuvo lleno de cosas coolz~ Obviamente el insight de Ginji, el heroismo no reconocido de Hevn, el abuelito que me hace doler el corazón, los 1313 de Akabane~ Y Ban sintiéndose shockeado por no tener el control de la relación cuando Ginji acepta el pedido al yolo XD Se parecen tanto a KhunBam~ Bam también obedece y pide consejo a Khun, pero cuando es algo que lo afecta en lo personal (salvar gente, igual que Ginji) va al yolo lo más y lo tienen que seguir XD asjdhagj ambas parejas son tan lindas~ Y el siguiente cap se tratará de Ban y Himiko, que es lo que toca c:

lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

[Review] Digimon Adventure (2020) - Capítulo 06

Hace rato que no estoy al día con Digimon, y me siento muy traidora :c Es que ocupé todo mi tiempo libre en el fic para la KhunBam week y en ver streams de FNAF XD Al menos terminé al día con eso TuT Aunque a nadie le importe, a mí me hace sentir muy orgullosa XD Por el adelanto anterior, ahora tocaría que nuestros mijos se encuentren con Mimi c: De ahí con Jyou y Yamato, por lo poco que sé, pero habrá que esperar para eso XD Ya quiero saber hacia donde van a dirigir todo este reboot o.o Como siempre: leer mientras o después de ver el capítulo =D

(Mi nena pensaba en ayudar gente hasta cuando estaba solita~ TuT)

1. Opening (debo destacar que me encanta esta parte en que salen los digimon peleando con sus niños montados encima *u*) y retraso
2. Así que ahora tienen que llegar al otro lado del mar, pero no sé si tienen que hacer eso específicamente para evitar el apagón o.o Todos tienen hambre, pero nadie como Agumon XD
3. Uhh calabacitas~ Ni idea si se pueden comer, eso sí XD CHAN Mimi los atrapó en una trampa? XD Es que son ladrones de fruta XD La voz de Palmon es lo mejor de la vida *u*
4. La voz de Mimi está distinta, a tri y al original o.o Otra vez es una princesita XD Al menos los Tanemon parece que la aman mucho XD Palmon es su mayordomo XD
5. Están perdidos porque no encuentran el mar y además no tienen a Koushirou :c Él está viendo los daños en la red de afuera u.u
6. Ohh Mimi también escuchó, desde el digivice, lo de los Digimon Sagrados o.o Los otros también lo habrán escuchado a donde sea que estuviesen? o.o
7. Aww ella solo quiere defender su reino XD Pero cosas mucho más feas van a pasar si no cumples tus deberes como niña elegida :c
8. Ohh con el video cachó que el tiempo fluye distinto entre los mundos, como al principio o.o Así que de nuevo van a tener que arreglar algo bien feo. Al menos tienen más tiempo del que creían entonces(?) XD
9. Wtf Ogemon está manipulando a otros digimon, pero él no se ve tan manipulado, aunque habla como cavernícola XD Él después era buena gente :c
10. Entre más te adentras en la Net (y aun peor en el Digital World) más lag hay, pero ellos pueden hablar normal por los digivice o.o Ohh Mimi llegó antes pero no tan antes que ellos, pero ha sentido más tiempo o.o
11. LOL grabó la transmisión y la aceleró XD Ay están hablando de algo que tiene que ver con la familia de Mimi :c Así que tú vas a tener que hacer lo que puedes hacer, nena mía u.u
12. Pero no quiere dejar a sus pequeñitos pu u.u Ellos van a ayudarla para que pueda irse con ellos XD Ay Mimi me emociona TuT Pero la caga al hacerlos sus sirvientes XD
13. Que son gritones esos monitos XDDD Ay son Tuskmon más agresivos pu, que los quieren matar, no solo robar fruta :c Están tratando de evadir las trampas, pero Ogremon anda a su onda o.o
14. asgdjag me encanta que salga Botamon cuando Agumon evoluciona, porque normalmente uno no lo puede ver casi nada *u* Sora, muéstrale la magia de la evolución a Mimi :D
15. Quedan dos, pero Greymon no puede con todo pu :c Y además viene un dragón D: Pero Sora lo detiene c: Es tan cool que ahora tengan que estar al lado para que todo funcione, o eso parece c:
16. Ay Mimi tiene miedo, pero al menos Palmon la hace sentir segura c: Ay otro mono los vino a atacar directamente D: Sabía que llegaría Ogremon así u.u
17. Ay le llegó un golpe brutal a Palmon por defender a Mimi u.u Se van a terminar echando todas las frutas así D: Cómo se hizo musculoso de la nada? D: Ay Palmon suena con dolor u.u
18. Vamos, Mimi, sé que no sabes mucho de evolucionar, pero los otros tampoco, así que sé que vas a poder hacerlo c: Ay está tan herida que se está desapareciendo en datos D:!

(¿Se dan cuenta de que casi se muere? ToT)

19. Yep, su objetivo es Mimi y los otros niños, pero no te va a dejar sola :c Ay recuerdos de como se encontraron TuT Ay no sé si estoy más sensible o qué xuxa, pero Mimi me emociona TuT XD
20. Brillo verde del emblema de la pureza, que hace evolucionar a Palmon en pétalos rosaditos~ Ay mira esa cara de Saboten *o*
21. Greymon llegó a defender a Mimi también, que Ogremon casi se la echa D: ajhsgdhjas me gusta la canción de fondo c: Que bueno que la música siga siendo buena~
22. Deja a mi Togemon D: ahjdgajh la cara de determinación antes de pegarle puñetazos XDDD Coconut Upper, best nombre de ataque XDD

(Esa cara de determinación extrema XD)

23. Aww la cara de amor maternal de Sora cuando ve a Mimi y Palmon llorar y abrazarse~ Me encanta que te dejan super claro que Mimi es la única que se deja ser niña, por su emblema n.n
24. Ogremon frustrado XD Tuvo que dejar a sus Tanemon, que la despidieron con lagrimitas TuT Va a hacer lo que puede hacer, así como Sakura TuT Deja de hacerme llorar, Mimi TuT XD
25. Ending

(Frases de Sakura que te hacen morir de cuteness~)

No sé qué xuxa me pasa, como que ando muy sensible parece, porque semi-lloré casi todo el cap, y no es como que fuese tan emocionante, pero igual XD Es que Mimi es amor y vida~ y Palmon herida me da penita además u.u En una sociedad como la japonesa, que pareciera que quiere que los niños crezcan a la fuerza, bastante más que aquí, Mimi es la única que se permite ser un poco más niña, llorando cuando tiene miedo y así, y por eso representa tan bien la pureza~ Y su frase muy Sakura de CCS me encanta~ Al siguiente cap saldrá Jyou, y me mató el nombre del cap, suena tan lol XD Yamato será el único que faltará, que deje de ser tan asocial como Kouji de Frontier ¬¬ XD

domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

[Fanfic] Tower of God - Collection for KhunBam week 2020: Day 7

En serio no puedo creer que terminé esta cosa, y a tiempo D:! Este último cap es el último en la cronología (el único que está bien ubicado XD), y además es el primer one-shot que empecé a escribir de ToG en toda la historia, y que dejé de lado, para escribir Payment y Better than cigarettes XD Al menos gracias a esto lo terminé también c: Seguro debería arreglar estas cosas en algún momento, que deben dejar mucho que desear por lo apurados que salieron :c

Esto se ubica en medio del cap 50 de la season 3 del manhwa, y es R-18 :D


Collection for KhunBam week 2020

by RPMizu

Day 7: Night / Names

“What are you doing here? Have you been spying on us?”

Bam hears those words the instant Khun crosses the door. Hwaryun just sighs. “You too, huh?” Bam did thought of that when he saw her entering his room just moments ago. He can’t help but laugh: Khun and he are so in synch.

“So this is why you called me over here so late at night.”

There’s something in his voice. Khun sounds kind of… annoyed. Maybe he is really tired, after all that happened. Sorry, Khun-san. He still smiles warmly when he sees Bam worried, and proceeds to take control over the meeting, like he always does. And there’s nothing more reassuring for Bam than having him taking the important decisions and making their strategies.

After an hour and a half of discussing and planning, they settle on Bam fighting a test ranker to impress the FUG Elders, even though Khun said this was one of his last resorts. He doesn’t want Bam to expose himself. Bam’s heart feels warm at the thought. Khun is always so considerate of him, and he is the only one who gets this special treatment, he is sure of it.

“Now…” Deliberately ignoring Hwaryun is still in the room with them, Khun gets close to him, lifts Bam’s chin up and gets his lips millimeters away from his own. Bam swallows slowly as Khun murmurs. “You don’t think you can call me this late at night only for this, do you?”


“Hey.” Hwaryun speaks up then. “I’m still here, you know? Can you not flirt like that in front of me?”

A frustrated groan comes out of Khun, and he separates from Bam briefly, only to push Hwaryun out of the room and shutting the door behind her. “We already ended the meeting. Now go sleep somewhere else.”

“Remember Viole has to fight a ranker tomorrow.”

“We know! Now don’t spy on us again and get lost!”

“I didn’t spy on you two, though. At least try to not get Viole too sore.”

Bam can hear her sighing again at the other side of the door, and then her footsteps getting away. Jeez, Khun-san, what if she gets upset and doesn’t want to help us anymore? Well, Hwaryun-san is really mature, so he bet she won’t get angry even if Khun is being a little rude to her because of his sexual frustrations. Bam feels his face burning up at that thought. He is still not used to thinking about sex. The fact that they haven’t had a lot of opportunities to be together like that doesn’t help either. Strangely enough, the act in itself feels surprisingly natural…

“You shouldn’t treat her like that, Khun-san…” Bam manages to say, trying to keep his cool even after having those thoughts.

“She understands.” I don’t know about that, but ok. It’s true she already knows Khun doesn’t really like her. He being a little rude to her is nothing new. “We don’t get much time to ourselves, you know, traveling with so many people, and you training and fighting all the time.”

“That’s true. I like being with them, though. I love everyone.” Khun comes close to him again, and wraps his arms around Bam’s waist.

“What do you love more, Bam?” His lips brush against Bam’s, and it leaves him with a lingering feeling of yearning. It’s becoming a habit now, for Khun to almost kiss him but not actually doing it. “Being with them, or… being alone with me?”

“Khun-san…” But now it’s different. After trolling him a little, Khun actually kisses him, and Bam lets himself melt into this kiss, Khun’s tongue exploring deep into his mouth. After long seconds, Khun breaks apart, leaving him wanting more again. “Don’t tell Rak-san and the others…”

His laugh sounds bathed with affection as he sees Bam playing with his thumbs, embarrassed of what he said. “I know that loud gator would make a fuss if he knows you prefer me over him. Don’t worry, it’s our secret.”

Theirs and Hwaryun’s now, though, but Bam choose not to mention that. She probably knew since the beginning anyway, since she is a guide.

Khun takes his hand and leads him to the bed, and Bam simply lets himself be guided. Bam might be the one who attracts people or something like that, and therefore keeps the team together, but Khun is the one making the decisions, being the leader. Sure, he always does what Bam wants in the end, but still he is the one who has the plan and the final word. And there’s nothing more reassuring for Bam than having Khun by his side. They all would be lost without him. There is no one Bam could trust more.

Bam lies there, not even caring that he probably should have put on pajamas first. Khun doesn’t plan on sleeping after all, not soon anyway. He lies there too, by Bam’s side, and Bam unconsciously reach out for his warmth. He wants to feel more of Khun. He wants more of those kisses. And, almost like he reads his mind, Khun starts kissing him again. His body gets on top of Bam, and it feels so comfortable to be just like that, underneath him.

“Hwaryun-san was right, you know? I have to fight a ranker tomorrow.” Though Bam would want to just do it with Khun, this is getting dangerous. His body is getting too hot, and probably Khun’s is too. If this goes on, he doesn’t think they can control themselves so Bam can fight comfortably tomorrow. “We can’t… go all the way.”

“But we can make out at least. I just want to be near you, feel you. You don’t know how much miss you.”

Oh, there he is wrong. Bam misses him too. It’s true that, even though Bam loves the others, and they are like his family, they don’t get much time to be just the two of them, like this. And if that’s hard for Bam to bear, it’s probably even worse for Khun, who has much more experience than him in this kind of things, and therefore more sexual drive. Well, he doesn’t know if that’s accurate, though. His is getting strong too, even if it’s kind of embarrassing to admit.

So they keep cuddling and kissing. Khun’s warm help Bam relax at last. He was feeling so upset, in tension until now. In their last “mission”, everything had gone so wrong. So many of the canine people died because of Bam’s selfish desires, because he wanted Yama by his side in order to rescue his Master. And DengDeng… Bam couldn’t fulfill his promise with him. Surely Louie hated him now.

“The things that other guide said shook you up, didn’t they?”

And now he is making Khun worry about him. Bam curls himself against Khun’s chest, effectively hiding his own face. But Khun already has seen the tears accumulating in the corners of his eyes. He won’t let them fall, though. He had cried enough when his Master got kidnapped, when Khun wasn’t there to support him. He won’t cry anymore.

“You don’t have to be a God, Bam. You are a human, and that’s ok. I already told you that.”

“I know, and I was really happy when you said that. I mean it, seriously. I know you will continue loving me even if I don’t become the God everyone wants me to be.” Khun’s warm hands entwine with Bam’s now loose hair. “But I want to be like a real God. I want to change the Tower. I want to be able to save everyone, and not leave anyone behind. The canine people, DengDeng, I couldn’t save them even when I wanted to…”

“You know sacrifices are inevitable if you strive to achieve your own goals. That’s the way of the Tower. That guide said it was your fault, and yeah, we tried to get Yama and the canine people into our side in the war, but it was that FUG Elder who lead them to their deaths, not you.”

“And what happens if Rak-san or Isu-san dies because of me? Or… you, Khun-san. You almost died... it almost happened, two times now, in fact. Or even more.”

“But I didn’t die, right? I’m here, right here.” One of his hands places against Bam’s lower back, leaning him closer protectively. He is trying to calm him down. Khun-san… “And you don’t have to blame yourself for our decisions. We made the choice to follow you. At least I am doing what I want to do.”

He can’t argue back, so he just hides his face again in Khun’s warm chest. “You don’t know because you were unconscious but...” Bam stops talking when he hears an exasperated sound leave Khun’s mouth. He looks up and sees an angry expression amidst the low light.

“I thought I made you tell me everything that happened in those years I wasn’t with you.”

He laughs nervously. “And I did. This is just a little detail. I told you I confronted Rachel again, right?” Khun nods slowly, clearly not happy at the mention of her. Bam can’t blame him for that anymore. “Before we took the test in the Floor of Death, I also tried to separate myself from her definitively, but I still wanted to give her a chance to beat me. I didn’t want her to hate me even more. But when she hurt you, almost killed you, I couldn’t stay silent anymore. She… Rachel is still important to me, it’s difficult for it to change, but if she hurts you again… I think I would have to kill her, this time for real…”

“And if I do it? You shouldn’t wait for a traitor to strike. I know you want to just forget about her and hope she uses the second, or third, or fourth chance you are giving her, but you know I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to take chances.”

“I know.” A small laugh comes out through Bam’s lips. Then, his eyes cast down again. “I wouldn’t want you doing that, though. I would be sad, so sad, but still I would understand you doing it. Rachel betrayed me, tried to use you, betrayed your comrades, and almost killed you. And still… I want her to live. And I don’t want you killing others for me.”

“Then I won’t do it unless it’s necessary, ok?” Khun places a soft kiss in his forehead, which surely made Bam blush a little. “Now let’s stop talking about Rachel, shall we? I don’t want her, of all people, to ruin the mood.”

Khun gets his lips to Bam’s neck again, leaving a trail of kisses and nibbles, and at the same time, starts undressing him. He seems so anxious. “Remember what Hwaryun-san said…” Again, Bam’s voice doesn’t sound convincing at all, and of course, Khun doesn’t stop at all. “Khun-san…!”

Khun pushes down Bam’s hands, against the bed, at the sides of his head, and stares directly into Bam’s eyes. “What did I told you to call me when we are together like this?”

“Ah…” Oh, yeah, right. He did tell him to call him differently when they were alone. “Aguero-san…?”

Even though he is the one who reminded Bam to do it, Khun looks surprised. Then he sits up and covers his face with his hands. Did I do it wrong? Bam touches his arm, but Khun doesn’t look back at him. Bam is starting to get worried.


“Stop. You are too cute, I can’t stand it.”

Bam bursts out laughing and Khun just growls.Khun doesn’t get embarrassed easily, and now he can’t even look at Bam, even though Bam was the one calling him something he is not used to. Khun clears his throat and, after a couple of seconds, he looks at him again, with an expression that makes Bam’s heart flutter. His eyes are filled with lust.

“This is your fault for being so cute.”

A fire had lit up in those blue eyes, and Bam almost hits his head on the back of the bed when Khun jumps on top of him again. His mouth gets devoured hungrily, and he can only surrender and kiss him back. God, he didn’t think he could get Khun so eager just by calling him by his given name. Good to know, though, but it’s not good when they really shouldn’t be doing this. Bam sincerely thought they would just cuddle and simply spend the night together when they started talking about the recent incidents, but of course that wasn’t the case.

The worst part is that Bam doesn’t really want to complain. The truth is, he wants this too. This intimacy is, even now, very new to Bam, but, oddly enough, it feels so natural. He feels so at ease when he is with Khun like this. Khun’s weight on top of him feels like he is shielding him from the world. Even though Bam is the powerful one, he has always felt protected by Khun’s extraordinary intelligence, his accurate planning, just with his presence, him caring for Bam all the time. He can’t help but smile warmly as he caresses Khun’s back, but soon that facial expression turns into soft sighs, as Khun starts kissing his abdomen, his hips, his inner thighs. He gives kisses and licks all over Bam’s body, making his skin melt against his touch.

“Feeling good, love? Even though you said we shouldn’t be doing this.”

“And I’m right! We shouldn’t…!”

“But you want it so much. I can’t resist something like that…”

Well, then there’s no helping it, right? He tried stopping Khun, but it was in vain. He will have to go along with it. It’s clearly not his fault if he is too sore to fight tomorrow, like Hwaryun said earlier. He doesn’t’ have any options. He is clearly not giving up because he also wants this so much it’s starting to hurt. Clearly not.

While he is debating with himself, Bam doesn’t know when or how, but Khun seems to have produced a bottle of lube out of thin air, and it’s now pouring some of it on his impossibly long fingers. The kisses on his thighs distracting a little, though, so it’s not so painful when two of those fingers make their path inside him.


After a leaving a few seconds for him to relax and accustom to the intrusion, Bam starts panting hard when those long fingers start working their way inside, making scissor motions every now and then. Bam lets out a quiet cry when those fingers touch a spot inside him which makes his whole body vibrate. It’s even worse when another finger adds up to them, and Khun simply stares at him from on top, and Bam tries not to break eye contact either, but it’s difficult when there are little tears of pleasure trapped at the corners of his eyes, and Khun is actively seeing him getting fingered.

“Even though you are so powerful on the battlefield, in bed you are a squirming mess, huh? Well, I have always pictured you like that. You have always been so cute. And now you are not only cute, but also you are getting sexier day after day.” Bam can’t even reply. All that comes out his mouth are soft moans. “I wonder what Endorsi or Yuri would think if they saw you like this, moaning quietly with three fingers up your ass.”


“They like you too, you know. You’re still so clueless sometimes.”


“I know. You only want me, right?” Bam leans in to initiate a kiss himself this time, answering Khun’s question without the need for words. “Good boy…”

It seems Khun has decided Bam has had enough, because his fingers leave his insides, leaving him with eagerness all over again. He feels so empty and slightly cold now. But it won’t take too long before he feels full again. Now Khun is pouring lube on all the length of his fully erect cock, and Bam can only watch him do it, expectantly.

“Your gaze seems so hungry. And then again you were the one saying we shouldn’t be doing this.”

“I know, I know, don’t mock me. J-just… just give it to me now, please, Aguero-san…”

“Gosh, don’t beg me like that, or I might go crazy. Like I said before, this is your fault for being so cute.”

And with that, Bam has to shut his eyes tightly when he feels something hard spreading him open, just like he had anticipated. It hurts a bit still, but the sensation of being filled up makes him relax quite a bit. Khun is inside him, they are united in both body and soul. There’s nothing better than that.

“May I move, my dear god?”

Even when he knows the answer, Khun always asks him first. It seems he takes pleasure in hearing Bam saying he can actually move, because it sounds like he is  begging for it every time.

“Yes… Yes, please move…”

He doesn’t have to tell him twice. Khun starts moving inside of him, seemly trying to find a comfortable rhythm. He soon finds it, and Bam’s body starts letting go of the pain and welcoming the intense pleasure. Unconsciously, one of his hands clutches at the sheets, and the other one goes to his own penis, starting to stroke it at the same rhythm.

“God, you don’t know how hot you look right now.” Khun pounds into him a little harder, and Bam cries out in complete ecstasy. “Yeah, touch yourself like that, in front of me…”

Bam can’t think straight anymore. He can’t even feel embarrassed or anything. There’s just Khun inside of him and the pleasure invading his body. It’s even worse when Khun starts pounding hard into that same spot from before, making his whole body tremble, the quiet moans turned into loud cries.

“Urgh, you are so tight, Bam… God, you feel so good…”

“Ahhh… It feels good, Aguero-san…”

Now Bam knows he calling Khun by his given name has a strong effect on him, for whatever reason. And it proves effective once again, since his hips start moving desperately faster, making a slapping sound every time they meet with Bam’s. Soon, Bam can’t take anymore pleasure. He has to break eye contact once again when his body convulses with an intense orgasm that leaves him breathless, his abdomen stained with white streaks. It doesn’t take too long for Khun to feel near the edge too, Bam can tell by the way his breathing accelerates. So, he decides to help, with the little bit of strength that’s let in his body.

He takes Khun’s face between his hands, places a soft kiss on his lips, and then whispers in his ear. “Please come inside of me, Aguero-san…”

And he does almost immediately, filling Bam’s insides with his warm seed. God, that feels good. Khun collapses on top of him, his head resting on Bam’s shoulder. They are both panting hard, clearly exhausted, but Khun still manages to hug him tight. It feels incredibly comfortable. Bam kisses Khun drowsily, and Khun reciprocates between tired smiles.

Then it occurs to Bam he should probably tell Khun they have to clean themselves up and tidy the bed a little, but he doesn’t. Bam can feel the warm semen coming out from him slowly, and shifts a little on the bed, to get in a position in which it stays inside as long as it can. It surely isn’t alright for him to leave that there, but they don’t have the energy now to actually move and clean themselves up. Also, Bam feels good having that warm liquid inside of him. It makes him feel warm inside, feel safe, knowing Khun is still inside of him. Tomorrow they will surely regret not having cleaned up, though.

“…I told you we shouldn’t have done this.” Bam manages to murmur, after finally being successful in catching his breath.

Khun has more trouble than him, but accomplishes answering nonetheless. “…But now you will be able to sleep through the night, don’t you?” Bam moves a little on the bed, trying to look at Khun’s face. He is panting hard, but has a sad smile on his lips. “I imagined you would be so sad about the things that happened in the last couple of days that you would stay awake all night mentally torturing yourself.”

“That’s true… I would probably have done that.”

The sad smile then turns into a cunning grin. “But now you don’t have the strength to think anymore. There’s nothing better than exercising before going to bed.”

Bam laughs, hugging Khun close. They cuddle together again, still trying to catch their breaths. Both of them are smiling, though, and Bam can hear Khun’s heartbeat starting to calm down, getting steady just like his own. Even if he didn't plan this at all (he sincerely called Khun into his room this late at night because he wanted his opinion on Hwaryun's advice), he is really glad he got to spend the night with Khun like this. Thanks to Khun being by side, touching him, caring for him, this won’t be another night of nightmares or staying awake until the sun rises. He closes his eyes, letting himself surrender to the exhaustion, to the relaxing rhythm of Khun’s breath, to the warmth of his embrace.

Khun-san… Aguero-san…

Thank you for giving me so much.

-END of DAY 7-

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

[Fanfic] Tower of God - Collection for KhunBam week 2020: Day 6

Este ya es el penúltimo día de la semana de KhunBam, y me siento muy orgullosa de haber logrado estar al día hasta ahora. Si realmente logro terminar hoy el del día de hoy, ahí sí que me voy a felicitar a mí misma (porque nadie más lo va a hacer por mí :c XD). Sería el logro máximo, loco~ Ya, aquí está el día 6, que es cortito igual c:


Collection for KhunBam week 2020

by RPMizu

Day 6: Eyes / Dreams

“Like you? I love you, Bam. You don’t know how much I love you.”

After Khun confessed his love for him, Bam tried really hard to act as normal as possible around him. It was difficult during the first week, however, Khun’s presence felt naturally comfortable, which made it much easier for Bam to stop being cold to him. During those days, Khun also distanced himself from Bam, probably wanting to give him some space. But Bam doesn’t need that. Sure, Bam needs time to figure out his own feelings, but to do that he also needs to be near Khun. So, he started approaching Khun again, smiling at him, sometimes taking his arm or going to visit him in his room at night. At least he figured out he didn’t want Khun away from him, regardless of his feelings being the same as Khun’s or not.

“Bam, don’t you get it? I’m love with you. I want to be with you forever.”

Are they the same, though? Bam really likes Khun, probably even more than the rest of the team. He feels so relaxed around him. When Bam has an achievement, Khun is the first one he seeks in order to get his approval, and his compliments make him the happiest. He is also the first person he looks for when he needs advice or support. That means he likes him, that he is best friend, right?

“I want to kiss you.”

That alone doesn’t mean he likes Khun the way Khun likes him, right? Khun said he wanted to kiss him, to be more than friends. Bam doesn’t really understand what that means, but at least he knows kissing on the mouth and having sex are things you only do with the one you are attracted to in a way friends or family don’t like each other. Things you do with your lover. Does Bam want to do those things with his best friend? When Khun approached him, his lips almost touching his own, Bam was incredibly nervous and confused, but he didn’t want to push him away like Khun himself told him to do. Did he want to be kissed by him? Did he feel frustrated when Khun didn’t do it?

“I won’t kiss you. I won’t do anything to you. Not yet.”

The answer came to Bam some days later, when he kept thinking so much about his own feelings for Khun that he started having dreams about Khun. Bam woke up in the middle of the night, having dreamt about Khun visiting him at night, his eyes shining in amidst the shadows, filled with lust. In his most recurring dream, Bam would sit up in his bed, wanting to welcome him into his room, but Khun would push him down on the bed, lay on top of him, his lips brushing his own in the same way they did when Khun confessed his love.

“How can you be so sexy when you are so clueless?”

Khun’s words echo in his head, from when he sensually licked the blood from Bam’s legs. That time, Khun didn’t kiss him either, but in Bam’s dreams he did. He kissed him until Bam’s lips end up swollen and red. His weight on top of Bam felt so natural, and made him feel so at ease. But it also made his body temperature rise uncontrollably.

“I want to take your lips again and again.”

After having those dreams, Bam has to admit he wants it too. Does that mean he also wants the other things Khun did to him in his dreams? Khun would make their hips rub against each other, while he caressed his entrance with just two fingers, on top the clothes or below them. Then Khun would take him, penetrate deep inside Bam’s body and make him tremble with pleasure, never breaking eye contact. Khun would ride hard him until he loses consciousness.

“I want to push you down right now, and fuck you senseless. I want to make you mine.”

It was a fact. Bam wanted Khun to take him for himself. He wanted Khun to fuck him like he said he wanted to. So he likes Khun, he feels at ease with him, values Khun’s feelings and wants to be by his side forever. He is also attracted to Khun, wants him to kiss him, to have sex with him. Alright, then all that meant he loved Khun? He felt something was still missing. He just wasn’t sure yet if it was the same.

However, things changed for them yet again. Khun was betrayed by Icarus, or better said Rachel, and went into a coma. Everything happened so fast, and Bam’s heart was broken into pieces. Rachel had betrayed him yet again, even when he said he wouldn’t bother her anymore. His Master was kidnapped and almost killed. Khun couldn’t be by side. Bam found himself suddenly alone, yet again. Like when he was at the cave, before Rachel found him. Like when he was with FUG, training incessantly day by day.

“You have no idea what you do to me.”

Yet the dreams haven’t stopped. They only started mixing between the same wet dreams, and new dreams of loneliness, of Khun dying before Isu’s team could bring him back to health. Dreams of Bam being alone in that cave again, no ray of light coming from the surface anymore. Those cunning blue eyes, which turned loving only in Bam’s presence, couldn’t see him anymore. Bam is trapped in the cave again. He feels so alone he can’t breathe properly, even when his other friends are constantly trying to support him. He stays strong in front of them, not wanting to make them worry. But after the hellish training he is putting himself through every day, in order to become stronger and prevent something like his to happen again, and also in order to distract himself, to not go crazy, he simply goes to his own room, shuts the door and waits, completely still, for time to pass, hoping with all his heart Khun would wake up soon.

“I won’t kiss you yet. I told you already.”

Despite his constant dreams, the truth was that Khun hasn’t kissed him yet. In all these lonely months, he found the thing that was missing when he was analyzing his feelings before, when Khun was still awake. He doesn’t see Khun as only a friend. He loves his company, more than anything else’s. He also wants Khun to be his lover, to share a bed, to sleep cuddling into him, to kiss, to have sex. He wants to share his whole life with Khun. The desolation he is feeling right now was the missing piece in the puzzle. He wants Rachel not to hate him. He wants his Master back, safe and sound. But most of all, he can’t live without Khun by side anymore. It’s unbearable.

“But if you do love me, then… Well, you’ll have to wait and see.”

“I do love you back, Khun-san.”

Bam has yet to tell Khun he also loves him. Why did he have to be so slow in figuring it out? As punishment, he will have to wait for long, long months until Khun comes back into his life. Bam desperately wants to see what Khun would do if he knows Bam loves him back.

But right now, Khun is not here, and Bam feels like he is in the eye of a hurricane. Everything has stopped around him, staying still, suspended in midair. It makes Bam feel empty inside. Without Khun, the storm in his heart won’t end. All of his unbearable loneliness and yearning won’t subside until he is able to see himself reflected in those sapphire eyes once more.

How much more will he have to wait for that to happen?

For Khun, he will wait. He will have faith. Khun promised he wouldn’t abandon him, after all. And Bam believes in Khun blindly. Khun will come back and will never leave him again. Khun will be proud of him for withstanding all of this solitude. And Bam will finally tell him he loves him as much as Khun loves him.

Bam repeats it, like a mantra.

He will endure. He will be strong. He will endure.

-END of DAY 6-

viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

[Fanfic] Tower of God - Collection for KhunBam week 2020: Day 5

Y sigo al día! Dios, no puedo creer que lo esté logrando y que ya solo me queden dos días más TuT Igual los caps están como el hoyo, pero es lo que hay XD Ya los arreglaré algún día si me da la gana. Este volvió a ser más cortito, después de lo largo que me salió el día 4 XD


Collection for KhunBam week 2020

by RPMizu

Day 5: Loyalty / Confession

Even after being betrayed by that blonde bitch, Bam still chased after her, like a loyal puppy. And that girl rejoiced in his affection, took advantage of it, and mocked him in the face for it. Khun never will be able to forgive her for that. How did she dare to ignore Bam, to look down on his love for her? Khun despises Rachel with all his heart, and only wants her to disappear, to get trapped at the first floor, forever unable to climb the Tower in order to see her dear stars. She totally deserves that or worse. She harmed a real star, after all, one that’s so bright Khun wouldn’t even dream to have for himself.

Well, at least not until he saw a real chance of his love being reciprocated. If that second betrayal from Rachel’s part and all they went through in the Hell Train were useful for something, it was for Bam finally noticing and accepting than Rachel just wasn’t worth it. Sure, he still cares for her enough to try to stop her from hurting and manipulating other people, but he doesn’t want to get her back like before.

“Rachel… Goodbye.”

And now, Bam properly told Rachel he won’t follow her anymore. Khun wasn’t surprised when Bam said she looked annoyed, even if she kept saying she didn’t want Bam to go after her. It was obvious she did wanted Bam following behind, for whatever sick purpose she had. But Bam was pushing her aside, in favor of his friends, the ones he wanted to protect and wouldn’t betray him like she did.

Khun regretted not being there to rub it Rachel’s face. But now it was time for Khun to be proud of him, to compliment Bam for his accomplishment, which he knows it was probably the hardest for him until now. It breaks Khun’s heart to see Bam’s sad smile though, with a few tears getting caught up on his eyes as he is telling him about that moment. So, since it’s just the two of them now, Khun hugs him close, letting Bam lay his head on top of his lap. Bam doesn’t cry though, just lays there and relaxes to Khun petting his hair.

“You did well. I’m so proud of you.”

“I was able to do it because of you. Our team taught me what loyalty really is. It’s not like you have to be loyal because you are expecting something else in return, but you must receive the same thing back, or the other person will keep hurting you and the ones you love. I was ok with her hurting me. I would have kept chasing after her nonetheless, hoping she would go back to the way she was before, at the cave. But I can’t risk you guys, who have done so much for me and deserve my loyalty much more than her.”

“Yeah, she doesn’t deserve you, Bam. I knew it from the start, but her actions have done no other than prove me right. It’s ok to let go of the ones who hurt you, even if they are your family.”

“That’s the thing.” Bam gets up, his golden eyes staring straight into Khun’s. “You are my family now. Since I don’t family any genetic relatives, I get to choose my own family, right? I choose you all.”

Khun’s heart warms up at those words, and he has to suppress the urge to simply kiss him right there. If only Bam knew what he does to him, how much his innocent affection for him means to him.

“I feel honored, my little god.”

Bam blushes a bit. He did say he would get to the top of the Tower and change it, meaning he is, at some capacity, striving to become a God. Khun still doesn’t approve of Bam trying to do everything for other people, not taking his own needs and feelings into account, but at least he can joke about it and vent his concealed sexual attraction for him at the same time.

“And I’m glad Rachel is starting to lose her place as your most important person.”

“Yeah, she is… I think you’re moving to that spot now.”

God, Khun knows Bam is saying that platonically. He is just grateful Khun is always there for him, and probably likes him as much as the rest of his friends.

“I like you so much, Khun-san. You are the smartest, most beautiful person I ever met.”

But it’s torture, pure torture. Who could ever blame him for having wishful thinking? Bam is sincerely expressing his sense of friendship towards him, nothing more, but Khun can’t help but want it to mean something more.

“Do you like me too, Khun-san?”

So innocent, staring at him with those wide eyes and smiling expectantly. So cute, Khun can’t take it anymore.

“Like you? I love you, Bam. You don’t know how much I love you.”

He said it. He finally said it. After years of trying to hide his feelings, for fear of scaring and losing Bam, he finally confessed his feelings. I was incredibly easy too. He just needed to let the words flow directly from his chest. Why did he torture himself like that through all those years? It seems so foolish now, like the crocodile once said.

But he instantly remembers why he was hiding those feelings, why he thought he would frighten Bam if he knew about them. The answer is in front of him. Bam is simply smiling at him, his expression having not changed at all. Bam is just happy he is liked by him. He doesn’t get what Khun loving him means. And it’s frustrating, so much that Khun doesn’t realize in time that he should have taken a step back, take advantage of Bam being clueless and leave his words as a simple declaration of friendship and nothing more.

“Bam, don’t you get it? I’m love with you. I want to be with you forever.”

“Me too! I want to be with you forever, Khun-san!” Bam says with a wide smile, enthusiastically bouncing a little in the bed. Khun almost facepalms himself at Bam’s charming but irritating cluelessness. He wants to beg him not to say any more things that can be misinterpreted like that one.

“I want to kiss you.” If it’s going to be like that, then he will have to be blunter. “I want to have sex with you. I want you to be my lover.”

That seemed to be effective. Bam looks like he has become frozen. Then he seems to be trying to express his confusion verbally, but no word comes out of his mouth.

“You have no idea what you do to me.” Khun gets close to him, taking one of Bam’s hands between his. His face is now millimeters away from Bam’s. Khun can sense how Bam clearly wants to get away, but he doesn’t dare to do it. He is paralyzed. Khun doesn’t stop though. “I want to take your lips again and again.” Bam can only stare at Khun’s lips as he continues to whisper to him. “I want to push you down right now and fuck you senseless. I want to make you mine” His lips are brushing Bam’s now, and it’s almost impossible to resist temptation, but he manages to do it somehow. “Do you understand now?”

Bam nods slowly, completely in shock. The only thing at moves is his eyes, which shift between Khun’s whispering lips and deep, lustful, yearning blue eyes.

“Good. And what do you have to say about it?”

“I… I don’t know… I don’t think I fully understand it.” Bam manages to whisper back, his accelerated hot breath descending on Khun’s mouth.

“Do you love me too? Do you feel the same?”

“I do love you, but I don’t know… if it’s in the same way…”

Those words stab Khun’s heart, even if he already had concluded that would be the case. Bam loves everyone, but surely doesn’t know the difference between various types of love. Khun lowers his gaze, and Bam looks immediately worried. This is exactly what he tried to avoid. Bam worrying about him, being afraid of him. So, changes the perspective, hoping this would make Bam feel safer and less confused, at least a little bit.

“Don’t worry, I already thought that would be the case. You don’t have to answer right now.” Khun takes Bam’s hand to his lips, leaving a soft kiss there. “You only have to know that I love you and that I will be with you as long as you want me to. I will never betray you, I will never abandon you. I can promise that to you.” Another kiss in the back of his hand, and he can feel Bam trembling a bit. Their eyes meet, and Bam’s cheeks are painted a light pink. It’s so cute, Khun can’t help getting close and brush his lips against Bam’s again. “I pledge my eternal love and loyalty to you, my god.”

Bam closes his eyes, seemingly waiting what Khun was obviously going to do, but Khun doesn’t move. “Huh?”

When he opens them again, totally confused, Khun laughs softly. It’s a deeply sad laugh. “I won’t kiss you. I won’t do anything to you. Not yet. Not until you can give me an answer, until you learn about the nature of your own feelings. If you end up not loving me back, I will still be here if you want me to, and we both will forget about this. But if you do love me, then…” He gets even closer, and deposits a kiss in the corner of his mouth, purposely avoiding those appetizing lips. “Well, you’ll have to wait and see.”

And with that, he goes out of Bam’s room, probably leaving him completely astonished. Khun leans his back on the door, after closing it behind him. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his own heart. He managed to act cool in front of Bam until the very end, but now his heart is beating so hard is hurting him. Why? Why didn’t he back down on his confession when Bam didn’t understand it yet? It would have been easy, but seeing Bam being so clueless frustrated him to no end. He had thought of taking his feelings to his grave. It was obvious Bam wasn’t going to reciprocate them, so why? Why did he confess? Why did he make clear the nature of his romantic, sexual, possessive feelings for Bam? Now it’s too late. He will have to live with it.

The next morning, he meets Bam at the hallway. Endorsi is with him, enthusiastically telling him something she probably thinks it’s important, but Bam isn’t paying attention to her. He is staring into space. However, when he finally sees Khun, he comes to a halt. Endorsi may not notice, but Khun clearly sees Bam’s body shiver a little, just before he gives him an awkward smile and a nod before running away. Endorsi gets furious at Bam for leaving her behind for no reason, and follows him immediately.

And Khun is frozen there. Bam is avoiding him, is feeling awkward in his presence. Is confused, afraid. Is distancing himself from Khun. Everything Khun feared the most. He wants to slap himself for being so foolish, so weak. Will he have to leave Bam now?

I will be with you as long as you want me to.

I pledge my eternal love and loyalty to you, my god.

No, he shouldn’t draw conclusions so soon. He wouldn’t leave Bam if he doesn’t want him to. Until Bam says he doesn’t want Khun near him anymore, Khun would be by his side.

I’m sorry, Bam. I will stay silent. I won’t frighten you anymore. If you need time, I will give it to you.

It’s too late now. Khun can only regret ever confessing his feelings. But what he will never regret is promising Bam his love, his absolute loyalty. Khun would gladly die for Bam, and will surely live for Bam. Should he feel relieved he doesn’t have to hide at least that anymore? Maybe, but it will be harder to keep silent about his other feelings, his other desires. He will endure it, though. He has to. He will make Bam comfortable around him again.

God, I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me, Bam.

Can I still hope for your love?

Only time will tell.

-END of DAY 5-